Red sugar oatmeal cookies

Mix red sugar, white sugar and corn oil and stir thoroughly.
Add a whole egg, stir evenly, stir until smooth


Pizza from Alsace

Flammekueche crisp pizza is a very famous specialty of northern France, mainly in Alsace. Due to its proximity to Germany, this pizza, called Flammkuchen in German, is also common in Germany. The most basic flammekueche uses onions and bacon, and the crispy skin is its greatest specialty, so its crisp to extremely delicious aroma makes it popular on the European continent. ...


Pizzas with grilled mushrooms

I used to make fresh shrimp noodles with coconut milk, and I thought maybe it would be better to make pizza with coconut milk, so I tried it, and it was really good.It's very special, it's very tasty, the family says that this pizza is different from the previous ones, I can't tell where, it has a stronger taste....


Cream of butter

The first time I ate buffalo, two or three years ago, a friend of mine thought it was delicious, so he brought me some.It's the first time I've tasted a dessert like this, it's very special, and it's really delicious, the milk-scented buffalo, the fragrant, soft cream filling, the crispy crust on the outside, the soft, smooth aroma on the inside, they complement each other!Completely handmade, completely free of additives, the cream trap must be ready to eat, unexpectedly.Otherwise, the cream will easily melt and f...


Corn oatmeal tea and fresh toast

During the National Day, a bread maker's toast is made, and the recipe is recorded, and when it's done, it's cut quite neatly with a toast slicer....


The vanilla cake

The traditional cake is not very soft....


Traditional bread pudding

Bread pudding is a very elegant pudding, insisting on starting with the classics and then looking for innovation....


Microwaved cheesecake

The cream cheese is softened, and if you want it to be quick, it is heated in a waterproof way, and it is constantly sti...


Chocolate cake

I love cocoa....


Wedding cake with sugar and paper cups

This is a wedding paper cup cake chosen by the guests, red and white theme, and I also tied beautiful butterflies on each paper cup cake, with diamonds in the middle, haha flash flash!...


What is the name of the city?

Tiramisu, which comes from the famous door, is eaten in the mouth with a change in texture between the smooth, sweet, tangy and soft texture, the taste is not uniformly sweet, because there is cocoa powder, so there is a slight bit of unmargined bitterness, which goes well with cappuccino.As a representative of Italian desserts, tiramisu, with its gorgeous appearance and graceful gestures, has become popular all over the world.It uses less than ten ingredients to create a layer-by-layer interpretation of the comple...


Red sugar cake

Egg yolk isolated from protein.
Butter and sugar hydrophobic dissolution.
Send the protein.
Add the flour, b...
