Cranberries and berries

Compared to ordinary bread, the main feature of begu is that after fermentation, it is first boiled with boiling water, and after this step it is baked, which produces a special toughness and flavor. ...


Coconut bread rolls

Mixtures of all materials except butter.
After kneading the dough, add butter and knead until the butter and dough a...


Potato puree meal pack

This bread tastes really wet and soft because of the potato paste, so you can try it. ...


Cranberry yogurt and whole wheat bread

I don't know if it's really that effective, but I've never tried it, but I make bread with yogurt and whole wheat flour, I do it often, of course not to lose weight, but I like yogurt, I often make yogurt at home, sometimes I can't finish it, I use it to make bread or cake, and the yogurt bread is softer and softer. ...


Meat loaf rolls

This salty bread was seen at a friend's house and was a frequent choice of LG in the bakery, and after tasting it, LG concluded: "It tastes like the bakery".Have a good one!...


Apple and jasmine cake

Cut the apple into thin slices in the shape of a crescent moon and cover it with a fresh film for backup.
To prepare...


I'm not sure what to do.

This idea has been around for a long time, but it hasn't been done, so I started this project last night because I was bored.There's cake in the bread, I'm sure you've all heard of it, but there's cake in the bread, and there's soft, sticky cake in the cake, and no one should know about it....


Coconut bread rolls

I just replaced the water with eggs, increased the amount of butter, and couldn't think of a better color for the finished product!...


Cheese bags

Old flour with yeast and water
Mix the dough evenly.
Good dough, sealed with fresh film, fermented in two ways: ...


Hot dog bread

Today I made hot dog bread for the first time, it tasted really good. The night before I woke up, I made a good dough, the next day I made a dough, I took a picture, I ate a piece, it tasted really good, so I recommend it to everyone....


Children's caterpillar bread

The caterpillar bread is one of the children's favorite breads, not only because of the shape, but also because the children seem to love to eat the cream stuffed in it.Because it's good to eat, you don't know when you're going to eat a loaf of bread.The caterpillar is not as complicated as you might think, just unravel the steps one by one.It's actually a very easy thing to do.Take a cold vacation and make a cute caterpillar for your child. ...


Sausage rolls and bread

In the children's winter art class, there was a teacher who was very fond of this teacher, and he said how good and how cute this teacher was.So we're having a meal and we see a bunch of things, and he's going to call the bunch teacher, okay?I'll make you some bread, and I'll make you some rolls.Eating bread reminds me of my teacher, who loves art so much that she doesn't want to go to class.The bread is simple, so the kids have to try it.This dough is the size of sixteen. ...
