Banana wholemeal

A low-calorie, high-fiber whole-wheat muffin, easy to make, with a distinctive flavor, suitable for children's breakfast. ...


Ham cheese and onion cake

Ham cheese and onion salty cake, recipe from the baking book, slightly modified. ...


Madeleine's cake

Madeleine is a famous typical French dessert, and if you go to France, Madeleine is definitely one of the dishes you must try.Madeleine's little cake, which looks a little round and full, is already very cute just by being placed there, and a protruding little belly is what earned her the title of the sexiest little cake.Even the famous French gourmet, Regusensky, has spoken out against it....


Frozen cheese potatoes

Heat the milk insulation water, add the gelatin powder, stir until the gelatin powder melts
Cheese and cheese insula...


Raw cheese cake

This is what I saw in a Japanese cheesecake recipe book, and it's a precious taste that you'll never forget! It's really as warm and soft as a baby blanket, and it's super delicious!...


The magic milk frozen cake

The magic of this cake is that after baking, the dough is naturally divided into three layers, the top layer is like a sponge cake, the middle layer is like jelly, and the bottom layer is like candy. ...


Cake cups

Tomorrow is New Year's Day, and on this New Year's Day, my son's team is going to have a New Year's Eve event in the evening, and each family is going to bring some of their own snacks and dishes to a banquet, so I prepared some cake cups to distribute to the children as small gifts, because the girls are more, so I used pink cream decorations, they all say like a small crown!...


Shuffle cheese cake

The cheese cake, which is quite popular online, is said to make people eat the screaming cake, just in time for the cow's birthday, you can finally try it once, the father says the taste is quite delicate, after baking it should be frozen for a night, carefully cut, really improvised, the cheese content of this cake is a bit high, but the cheese is a good thing, high in calcium, very suitable for the elderly and children!...


The Paris Opera

Regarding the Paris Opera, there are various versions, due to the shape of a thin layer of chocolate, the smooth appearance resembles an opera stage, and the multilayered taste resembles a jumping note, traditionally with seven layers.It is decorated with gold leaf. ...


Chocolate cream squares

I was going to make a nice flower, but I couldn't get the cream to lie softly under my hands, I didn't have any spirit, I had to sprinkle a little cocoa powder on it, I wanted to hide some of the fallen cream warriors, but instead I added some fragrance, and some relief!...


Whole egg sponge cake

The whole egg sponge cake looks very rough, and although it is not as soft and delicate as the sponge cake, it is also very soft, tastes good, and tastes a bit like an old-fashioned cake.The cake mold is exchanged for points in the United States, the non-sticky cake mold is very useful, it is used to make sponge cake, tomato cake, and baked bread is very good.The cake was brought home for my mother to eat, so it's not cut, the internal organization should be good. ...


A small paper cup of strawberry cream

Christmas is coming soon, and the most popular thing to share with your children is the paper cup cake, decorated with a little cream and strawberries, especially suitable for this special day of Christmas, the sponge cake is also very tasty, very popular with friends!...
