Ham and cheese bread

Preparing materials
First the liquid, then the powder, then the milk, then the egg, then the sugar, then the salt, t...


The hamburger.

Flour, yeast, salt, and butter added together
Liquid together
Playing hard
Cut into small pieces, your ideal...


When I went to the bakery, I bought it.

I don't know if anyone is like me, when I was a kid, I went to the bakery and bought this coconut cream bag, and I thought that the sweet cream in the middle of the bread was so good to eat!This time I made a very detailed video of the baking machine and the oven mixing the dough, hoping to help my new friends!...


Bread with ham and cheese for breakfast Bread for pregnancy / nutritional breakfast for pregnant women

It's nutritious and delicious, and it's got all the energy of a morning....


Honey and date bread

The story behind this dish, the story behind this dish, the story behind this dish, the story behind this dish, the story behind this dish, the story behind this dish, the story behind this dish, the story behind this dish, the story behind this dish, the story behind this dish, the story behind this dish. ...


Whole grain bread

The main ingredients are packed in barrels one at a time.
The bread machine process.
At the end of the bread mac...


Flower hamburgers

The super-addictive super-satisfied bouquet hamburger, the hamburger embryo is also fragrant and soft, plus the bacon cheese and cabbage, that's the unstoppable rhythm! The size of the square can make an 8-inch hollow mold, or a 450 gram toast mold.For ease of viewing, I have attached the ingredients here: [dough ingredients] high starch flour 175 grams Liquid dough 150 grams Fine sugar 25 grams Salt 5 grams Dry yeast 4 grams Water 70 grams Milk powder 8 grams Butter 25 grams [Surface ingredients] Egg juice a littl...


Onion and garlic bread

I like to do things in small quantities, even if I can't finish them, I don't waste them.It's a little bit more natural. ...


Peanut butter and jelly

Flipping out of a long-bought bread maker and coming up with a bowl of your own homemade nutritious bread...


Chinese Hokkaido toast

That's two 450g boxes of toast....


Whole wheat flour

Soft European bread is soft on the outside and soft on the inside, and low in sugar and low in oil. This type of soft European bread replaces the same amount of flour with whole wheat flour. The peel contained in whole wheat flour is rich in vitamins and minerals and cellulose, so it is rich in nutritional value and lower in calories.Healthy and delicious!! by @Carrie_LeLe...


Cocoa and sesame bread

Put all the ingredients except the sesame oil in the bread maker's barrel, start and knead.
After about 20 minutes, ...
