Cranberry cookies

Cranberry biscuits have always been my and my husband's favorite! Simple and easy to learn the key is to eat really well oh! The whole process is also very simple ⁇ for beginners it is also zero failure! It is really a very happy thing to learn to bake for people who love!...


Cranberry cookies

This cookie is a recipe for learning how to cook, the first time I made a cranberry cookie, it's not bad, I'll just do the simple, the complex, I'll try, in fact, when I was making this cranberry cookie, did I think about improving the cookie, or did I wait for the next time, the new student didn't know if it was possible, called to eliminate this idea.. ...


Cranberry cookies

Cranberry cookies are easy to make and delicious!...


Cranberry cookies



The cranberry biscuit

Soften the butter, add the sugar, stir evenly, add the flour, knead it into a dough, add the cranberry.
Place the do...


The black gallon cake

I've made cranberry biscuits a few times before, and they're not very satisfying. It's not that they're baked, it's that they don't taste good....


Cranberry cookies

I have less sugar, but I still think it's too sweet! My little friend who has less sugar and less oil can have a little less sugar....


A low-sugar, low-oil version of the cranberry biscuit

Preparation material, low starch flour can be adjusted 4:1 with high starch flour and starch
Cranberry sliced


Rose cookies

Some of them are based on the recipe for cranberry biscuits, so I wanted to try it, and I thought it would be nice with roses, and it would be colorful...My rose is not fragrant enough, I can put more rose petals...Every time I see the finished product, I feel happy and happy....


Strawberry biscuits

Ever since I bought this oven, I've been looking at all kinds of recipes every day, because these days I've been eating strawberry jam, sour and sweet, and I feel very happy to eat it (maybe I prefer to eat strawberries), so I bought strawberries directly from the supermarket, or I made them according to the cranberry recipe, but instead of strawberries, you can try them. ...


Cranberry cookies

A small gift for people, delicious and simple cranberry cookies!...


Cranberry cookies and cookies

At first, I didn't know about cranberries, but when I got in touch with baking, I knew that this is a good thing, the most I do is cookies, sour, sour, sweet, everyone who has tasted it says it's good to eat.In addition to making cookies, you can also put a little bit of bread and cake. ...
