Purple potato cake rolls

Many of the students were tormented by the cake when they first started baking it, mainly because it required a lot of detail in the process of making it, and the slightest step out of place would lead to the final failure, so the cake is also known as the seven crazy cake or the crazy cake.So, when you're tormented by a cookie, you might want to try a cookie roll, although it's also a cookie operation, but it's not as high on the specific requirements, and even if there's a step that's not in place, it's not so ea...


Blueberry and jam cake rolls

"All this time, the cake was baked in the grill and eaten, and it was rolled once, but it wasn't rolled well, so let's do it again."This time it worked.Although the roll is not very beautiful, next time I remember, the first step out of the roll is not to roll too wide.Add more blueberry jam and eat well.Sweet and sour jam, scented cake, delicious.Ingredients: low-flour 60 grams of boiled eggs 4 pieces of boiled corn starch 15 grams of boiled white sugar 75 grams of boiled pure cow's milk 60 grams of ingredients: w...


Orange and cream cake rolls

The skin is thin, the meat is juicy and sweet, but it's not addictive to eat raw.So I wanted to combine it with cake.It turned out to be great!...


Cheese pudding

The pudding itself is a very simple dessert, and the most important thing is to control the heat.This pudding is a classic, and everyone who has made it has praised it.It's delicious, it tastes good, and a spoonful of it is an endless feeling of happiness!...


Blueberry and cheese cake

I highly recommend this blueberry cheesecake, it's very, very delicious, sweet and not fattening.And, looking at a high-end, high-end cake, there's hardly anything difficult about it, it's basically a zero-failure cake, it's suitable for beginners, it's focused on eating well, and it's nutritious.?...


Tea and honey cake

It seems complicated, but it's a very successful cake. ...


Peanut butter rolls

"It's the first time I've ever given a cake roll a flower."The rest of the cake paste is also made with leafy greens, it feels beautiful.Although it's the first time I've drawn a line, it's because the flower bag's mouth is a little bigger, and I'm not drawing the line evenly when I'm squeezing the dough.Looks like you can do more than that.I made a few rolls of cake, and I slowly observed the changes in the oven and the cake, and the last time I baked it at 175 degrees for 15 minutes.This time it's a little lower,...


Tree wheel cheese biscuits

One circle at a time... to the annual wheel of the big tree......


Chocolate cranberry cake

Moose is an extremely simple cake, it's delicious, it doesn't have the fat of a cream cake, it doesn't need to be baked, it's a nice dessert for afternoon tea....


A small cranberry heart cake

Raw materials
Eggs, separated from the egg yolk, placed separately in a clean bowl without water or oil
Low-fat ...


Strawberries on the Christmas tree

In the West, a Christmas tree is prepared at Christmas to add to the festive atmosphere.Christmas trees are usually made of evergreen trees such as firs, symbolizing longevity.The tree is decorated with various candles, red and yellow balls, stars, and Christmas gifts.On Christmas Eve, people sing and dance around the Christmas tree for joy."Today, tomatoes teach you how to make an edible Christmas tree, take a bite of strawberries and cream, and make both adults and children happy."...


Sesame red sugar wine stew

It's a bunch of wine grains, I don't know how good they are.After sighing, I suddenly thought of making a stew, putting the last white sesame, and solving it together.In fact, it's just a matter of turning the muffins into steam.It is said that wine can make blood, and red sugar has the power to replenish blood.The combination of the two is probably good for replenishing blood.The color of the red sugar is not particularly dark, and the color after steaming is much lighter than expected.It looks like a sticky rice ...
