Carrot pineapple flipped cake

The pineapple is peeled, cut into thin slices, boiled in salt water, and filtered.
Take a non-sticky pot, put yellow...


Cake with blueberry jam

"Someone made a bunch of blueberry sauce and put it on."One day, I was given the task of consuming blueberry sauce.Since then, I've been in the blueberry era, doing a blueberry series.In a hurry, he chose a quick-handed muffin and started the blueberry series.I didn't dare to make much, because muffin cake has never been very popular.Too much stuffing, too thin a lid, and one of them blows his mouth off.I'm afraid that if people don't know what's in their stomachs, they'll show it to me.I was supposed to take the s...


The checkered cake

Life is like a chessboard, sometimes dark, sometimes bright, sometimes bitter, sometimes sweet, as long as you have a firm belief, strive forward, the rainbow must be bright after the wind and rain!...


Chocolate shavaline

Chocolate Shavaline is a well-known French tradition.The shape is characterized by a concave central part, then filled with chocolate filling, which is a French representative of a warm cake, with a very Parisian and expensive feeling.The more I use the electric oven, the more convenient it is, the more I like it, the more precise the temperature, the more uniform the color, and then I use the flower-shaped silicone mold, which makes this chocolate Shawarin cake especially beautiful, almost perfect. ...


Lemon and honey cake

Although it is a sourdough cake, it is easy to succeed because the lemon is a good acidity regulator, which keeps the protein upright and does not dissipate easily.But the wind is always a soft little lover, Chechnya is too violent....


Cocoa in the air

A delicious cake with a thick cocoa flavor, pushing the soft and delicate flavor of the cake to the extreme.Perfect modeling, so that the senses are also satisfied, with a beautiful appearance, naturally there is also an appetite!...


Cocoa butter cake

Since I got the 3.5 version of the electric oven, I've become more and more fond of baking, why? Needless to say, it's definitely this oven that makes people feel comfortable using it! I was also worried that my original grill and grill net couldn't be used, so today when I baked biscuits and fries, I found that it worked perfectly, plus the up and down temperature control, the baked biscuits, the color, and the taste, needless to say, you know, the baby and the husband are absolutely great.In particular, two plate...


Chocolate with a smell

Mix the egg yolk and refined sugar in A, heat the water in turn, mix the corn oil until it is oil-free, and emulsify com...


Marble tea and honey bean cake

I've always loved green tea, not only because of its bright color, but also because of its faint aroma.One afternoon, I stumbled upon a marble tea and honey bean cake, and I instantly fell in love with the taste, the freshness, the elegance, the coffee, the cake, and the small-time feeling!...


Oreo cheese cake

"Have you ever eaten cornflakes, and it's great to eat the oily crumbs in them? Today the tomatoes made a cheese cake out of the oily crumbs, and the soft cheese cake in the middle just turned into a giant cheese pie."However, this time the filling can no longer be licked and solved... it needs to be eaten one bite at a time... whether it's food (with afternoon tea, dig with a small spoon, keep your mouth shut, remember to cover your mouth), or martial arts (directly peel off, bite off, leave teeth marks, mouth cor...


10 inches of tea cake

Let's see what a 10-inch hollow oven looks like when you put it in the oven.
Let's challenge each other to see if we...


French Opera House Cake

Opera cake is one of the famous desserts in France, with butter sauce and chocolate sauce on the sponge cake made from almond flour, a very luxurious and complicated cake, last Thursday was the birthday of Juju, who made this opera cake that he had planned for a long time but did not dare to do as a birthday gift to himself, and after tasting it, he enjoyed the taste of thick chocolate and butter with his mouth full, it is really complicated and completely worth trying the cake with wood!...
