Purple crown bread

The main ingredients are kneaded into a smooth dough and fermented in the refrigerator for 17 hours.
After cooking, ...


Milk and honey

This bread has appeared in my house for the Nth time, its milk smell makes you never be able to refuse, do you like it? Then bite it hard! It will let you know that everything is worth the wait... ...


Cream bread

When it comes out of the oven, the whole house smells of milk, and the outside is so soft, I can't wait to get rid of it!...


Purple bread

Purple potatoes are rich in more B vitamins, which maintain skin elasticity and prevent disease; they are soft and rich in dietary fiber, which helps relieve constipation and reduce weight; at the same time, the raw sugar index and calories are much lower than rice, which is beneficial for diabetics to help treat diabetes and reduce blood sugar.And the purple potato adds a bright spot to the potato, which is the super antioxidant flaxseed, which prevents free radicals from attacking the human body and prevents agin...


Peanut butter and bread

The last time I made some peanut butter at home, it took a long time to store it, it tasted good without any additives, lately I've been lazy to make bread, so it's just a little bit, just wrap it in bread. If you want to make some lovely bread for your nephew, think about making a small foot, make it full, like a small claw, but it's also very lovely, with peanut butter bread in it, delicious!...


Grapefruit bread

One day at breakfast, I saw a loaf of bread, the square is still made with 5 degrees of ice, I like this method of making bread more and more, I like its soft taste, and it is also more suitable for my kind of love of making bread, as the book says, yeast in low temperature is like a natural healthy child, although the cycle is longer and takes more time, but the bread made after low temperature fermentation smells and tastes completely different.I'm used to making bread at home, and if I don't do it for a week, it...


Bread with meat

Materials ready
I mixed everything into a dough, and I mixed it normally until the extension stage (I mixed it for a...


Hot dogs

One of my daughter's favorite breads, she always asks me to make it, because I'm afraid that eating too much fried food is bad for my health, so I don't make it often.My daughter is going to school in the morning, she's tired, make a hot dog today, let her solve the riddle, come early. ...


Mini meal packages

Now, I make bread almost every day, and from the moment I start weighing, the kids are rolling around at my feet, grabbing my eggs, grabbing my flour.After a busy meal, followed by a full house of sweets, right at the end of the jingle, he waited under the oven, while he held it in his hand and ate it, and then in his mouth he didn't forget to say: good food, good food.I was very, very happy.Thinking that in this day and age of all kinds of additives, I'm really glad that I can make some healthy snacks for my famil...


Dried cocoa bread

Cocoa bread has always been a family favorite, and it tastes better with sour, sweet and sour cranberries....


Light cream bread

When I opened a liter of light cream... to consume light milk, I made this little bread that doesn't need butter, because of the addition of light cream, the bread naturally tastes good....


Upgraded low-cream coconut bread

I made some cream sandwiches, opened a bag of light cream, and there was some left over, and it just so happened that the kids were going to eat coconut bread, which was an upgraded version.The recipe of the coconut bread has been upgraded, the shape has been upgraded, and the smell has been intensified.If you have the time and the ingredients, I recommend that you try it!...
