One loaf of bread, two loaves of bread.

The yeast is hydrated with half of 75 ml, in addition to 25 g of butter, red bean sand and coconut filling, the rest is ...


Packaged meals

Pour the liquid material into the bottom of the packing machine;
Pour the powdered material in and lay it on top of ...


Dried bread

Mixed-grain bread has always been a symbol of health, with a higher cellulose content and a lower fat content than traditional sweet bread.This black wheat bread, although it doesn't look like it's going to fall off, it doesn't look very attractive, but it's very tasty, it's very tasty, it's evenly distributed, it's soft, it's full of spices, the more you chew it, the more addictive it is......


Castor toast

The seasoning is a recipe for cassava, all the ingredients are put into the pot, first stirred evenly with a light, then...


Tea and pineapple bags

There's a little matcha at home, everything has to be matcha-flavored, today we're going to eat matcha-flavored pineapple bags!...


Wine-brewing all-corn berry bread in the East China Sea

The last one is done.
Put in sugar, salt, whole wheat flour
Put the rice in the wine, this is with water, not dr...


Shan Shan family - Red bean snowflake soft bags like cake-like bread

In addition to salt and butter, the material is placed in the mixing pot, with 2 and 3 layers, stirring for about 15 min...


Chocolate meal packages

Recently, I've been busy with bread, and the two-color toast I made yesterday was very well received, and I'm continuing today.Despite the unusually hot weather in Shanghai for the past two days, I still can't stop eating.The finished product is still very soft, but the lack of beauty is that the chocolate beans in the middle have melted after being placed in the mixture because of the high temperature, and the whole grain is not visible.Everything is not perfect, leave a little regret to make up for it next time.....


Whole wheat cranberry soup

All materials, except butter, are placed in the stirring bucket by weight.
After stirring, put it in the butter.


The Shan family - childhood memories of braided bread

Pour all the ingredients into a steel bowl, stir and rub into a non-sticky dough.
2. Rub the dough according to the ...


A simplified version of caterpillar bread

Material for the Whole Family
Mix all the ingredients (except beef oil) in a bowl.
Pour the mixed dough on the t...


Meat and sausage bread

All the ingredients
Preparing the ingredients
All the ingredients are kneaded into a dough, kneaded to the exten...
