Mango butter and bread

You can't eat on holidays, you can't eat on holidays, you can't eat on holidays, you can't eat on holidays, you can't eat on holidays. ...


Dried grapes

This is the first time I've done it myself.It's very successful.Scone, is an English quick bread, named after the place where the Scottish royal family was crowned, a stone with a long history and known as the Stone of Scone or Stone of Destiny.Come and try it.Because there is no milk.So with the addition of milk powder and pure water, it's just as good as the yeast version of the sauce.It's very good. ...


Whole wheat toast

Whole wheat flour is a natural source of water-soluble dietary fiber.It can lower cholesterol and control blood sugar.2. It is fat-free, low in calories, and rich in complex carbohydrates.It contains a large amount of B vitamins, E vitamins, potassium and iron, etc. It is the best food for maintaining a slim body.The B vitamins contained in whole wheat have some preventive and dietary effects on foot and mouth disease and various skin diseases. ...


Peanut bread for the bear

Fast-paced life, breakfast can't be combined! Do you want to change the taste of the sweet bread you're used to eating, this bread is made with fried peanut rice and sausage, simple, quick and convenient, soft bread, peanut sauce, plus sausage, eat well!...


Pumpkin and coconut

Pumpkins contain fructose, which protects the stomach mucous membrane from coarse food irritation, promotes ulcer healing, strengthens gastrointestinal motility, and helps digest food, so we usually eat more pumpkins to be healthy....


Red tea and dried grape juice

Compared to the legal stick, the soft European organization is delicate, rich in materials, and belongs to the higher-quality European package.I added black tea, proper red sugar and raisins to make it taste richer.In fact, the nutritional value of tea consists of both water-soluble and lipid-soluble parts, the latter of which is insoluble in water, no matter how many times it is drunk, it will always remain in the tea.Therefore, only drinking tea can better absorb the nutrients of tea leaves.Red tea is good for th...


Cheese and lava bread

It's too addictive, it looks like it's already coagulated, it's still hot inside, it's too easy to play a game....


Golden coconut sauce

I love the smell of coconut......


Whole wheat flour

All materials except butter are put into the packing barrel, start the kneading procedure, and continue the kneading pro...


Beer-free walnut bread

A low-sugar, low-fat, non-scrambled, crispy, soft, and chewy bread - beer walnut bread, strongly recommended for family members to try. ...


Flower bean sandwiches

My family's bread is made almost every other day, it's very popular, I like to eat bread for breakfast, I'm lazy, I rarely use handmade bread and dough, this package is made by hand, it's not difficult, it's easier to mix, it's easier to mix, it's easier to use....


Orange bread

This time I made a recipe with fruit, added sugared orange pudding, I was afraid that the little guy would not like the taste, I didn't think he would end up eating the most fragrant ~ also praised that it was really good to eat ~ ingredients: high starch flour 375g, fine sugar 45g, salt 6g, milk powder 15g, egg juice 46g, water 212g, yeast 5g, butter 30g, sugared orange pudding 75g...
