Black tea and milk bread

The tea-scented black tea milk bread, full of tea flavor, combined with the soft bread body, must be delicious to eat!...


Warm three-color bread

The warmth of the summer wind blows through my hair and through my ears! When I first saw this photo, it reminded me of this song.The warm sunlight makes you want to disguise yourself for this bread, lying idly in this stillness. ...


Purple potato sunflowers - a little sunshine and you'll be fine

In addition to the special color, the purple potato gives me the impression that it is also different from the flesh of the ordinary potato, because when I first bought the oven many years ago, it was baked once, hard and tasteless, and I never looked at it again.Until recently, I liked to bake bread, and then I remembered it.This time it came out steaming, but to my surprise, when I pressed it with a masher, it was all spongy, and it tasted very sweet, not unlike ordinary potatoes.And such bright colors, unlike so...


Sweet and sour toast

As a baking addict, I made a biscuit cake but I failed to make it again and again, sorry I didn't take a picture of the process, because the baby thought it wouldn't work this time, whoo whoo! This bread, if you like cream, you can add a little more milk powder oh!...


Sweet potato rolls

The bread is fluffy and soft, the mashed potatoes are sweet and fragrant, the heart-shaped cheesecake is baked and put on the table directly with the mold, it's impossible not to be praised!...


Small grain cheese bread

It's easy to eat and easy to carry.In the spring, go out and play with a bag, it can be used as a snack and can fill your stomach, the sweet and salty taste will make you eat it without noticing. ...


Whole wheat bread with raisins

I've always been in love with whole wheat bread, and this bread is the love of my heart.I'm sure you'll love this bread too. I've changed it from Sister Liberty's square, and I've added wheat germ, and I've adjusted the proportions of the flour, and I've removed the wheat germ, and I've added whole wheat flour and oatmeal.The original recipe was dried cauliflower, but I didn't like the taste of dried cauliflower, so I changed it to raisins, and I used less oil....


Chocolate marble bricks

That's the volume of two squares....


Cocoa butter and soft bread

The first time I tried soft European bread, I didn't expect it to be so successful.It tastes great! It tastes great! It tastes great!...


Whole wheat bread

Dry washing of grapes, pre-softened with clear water
Roast the walnuts and crush them.
Mix the high-quality flou...


Hot dog belly bread

Hot dogs are popular because of their agility.The bread can be made a day in advance, and the next morning it can be taken out with lettuce and sausage for breakfast. Isn't it convenient that you don't have to get up early to eat a nutritious breakfast?The amount of 5 hot dog molds used by the school cook. ...


Carrot meal packages

Cut the carrots into small pieces and add water and put them in the cooking machine to make clay for backup.
All ing...
