Pumpkin toast with face yeast

The face fermentation method is a very old method, when making pasta leave a piece of good dough, let it ferment, the next time this dough is mixed with warm water and mixed into the new material, it can ferment, although the speed is slower, but the effect will be better than yeast flour.It is no exaggeration to say that Chinese food has been the essence of Chinese food for thousands of years. The people eat it as a matter of course, fermented food is nutritious, tastes soft and easy to be absorbed by the intestin...


Whole wheat meals

This whole-wheat snack is based on a recipe by Professor Meng.I didn't expect this whole wheat bag to completely overturn my prejudiced view of whole wheat.Whole wheat bread, although it tastes rougher than toast or sweet bread, does not have the legendary pulling of the throat, the entrance is also very bite-sized, and the more chewed the more fragrant.Even though it's only 15 grams of fine sugar, it tastes sweet....


Parrot bread

For me, this bread holds a lot of happy memories; five years later, when I accidentally smelled this familiar and unique flavor, I went through the emergence of those happy scenes.It was then that I decided that I had to make this taste by hand, a taste unique to my college days!...


Pumpkin and braid toast

The mold I use for this toast is an empty coconut juice can, wrapped on the outside with tin paper, placed on an 8-inch solid-bottom cake mould, which is also a hollow mould, so it is economical and practical, without having to beat a hollow mould, later baking cakes can also be done this way.Since there are not enough steps to send the recipe, look at the description of the text, I sincerely hope that the new edition of the American newspaper will come soon, remove the nine steps of the recipe, so few steps to sen...


High-fiber weight loss pack

Nowadays, people are more and more focused on health, and any food with whole wheat and whole grains is bound to be a hit.But there are unscrupulous businessmen everywhere, many so-called whole-wheat foods are just added caramel color, today the tomato teacher teaches you how to make real high-fiber weight loss bread and whole-wheat toast at home? ...


Black sesame French ball

Recommend a convenient and delicious small meal package, saying that it is convenient that its dough is as long as it is mixed evenly and not roughly (this degree of towel membrane can almost be said to be free of friction), then at room temperature an hour later it can be refrigerated and fermented for a night (or 10 to 18 hours, I'm cooling for about 20 hours is not bad), take it out and warm it up an hour later it can be baked a little bit and then it can be baked again, for busy working people who do not want t...


Grapefruit and milkweed

It's very beautiful, it's very elegant, it's very elegant, and it's very delicious. ...


Black wheat bread

It's simple, there's really no decoration, except black wheat, added or coarse grain - husk and wheat germ, the wheat germ after baking emits its distinctive aroma, the country bread has no sweet bread soft, the taste has no sweet bread delicate, there is no sweet bread rich filling, it has a unique wheat aroma;...


Macadamia nut bread

Whole wheat soup bread.Prepare the embryos early to try the various baking related to Master Meng.The weather is getting colder and the fermentation is getting slower.If you want, you can ferment it in the refrigerator, and let the fermentation finish in your sleep.No more squeezing time during the day, watching it grow to its best and hurrying.Take a night's sleep, leave plenty of time for final fermentation, and even if you need to extend the fermentation time, don't be in such a hurry because of time constraints...


Cheese bread

I've always rarely made bread, because I really don't want to do hand-fried cheese, seeing that this time the theme is butter, cream, cheese, whatever, it's so good for my appetite, so I'd like to be a cheese, the process of mashing is long, while watching TV while mashing, the time also passes relatively quickly, plus I like to eat it myself, my heart is also happy. ...


Glucose rice and coconut milk bread

My princess's favorite bread is stuffed bread, and I often change the stuff to make all kinds of soft bread, and her favorite stuffed bread is two kinds, one is red bean sandwich, and the other is coconut milk sandwich.Coconut milk ghee bread has a layer of velvety coconut on the surface, which becomes very soft due to the addition of glutinous rice flour, and is also full of thick cream and coconut flavor, making people eat and want to eat. ...


Sweet bread

It's probably because I spent a lot of time with my grandmother when I was a kid, and I got into the habit of eating ginger. When I was a kid, I used to eat ginger with sugar. When I used to eat ginger with sugar, I used to eat ginger with sugar....
