Old fashioned bread

It's one of my family's favorite breads! It's made with a baking machine, modified the recipe, one-click operation, don't be afraid of the trouble, you can make the middle roll whole, easy to make, taste just as good!...


Peanut bread

Making a pie bread, the shape wants to make it look like a pie, but the dough is kneaded too soft, it becomes a little flat, everyone says it looks like potatoes.Ha, there are those who call potatoes potatoes.No matter what it looks like, sweet melon filling, fragrant bread layer, don't be afraid to get fat bread.Potatoes, also known as mountain potatoes, are rich in sugars, vitamins and minerals, dietary fiber, etc.Carotenoids, vitamins such as vitamin B1 in potatoes, are essential for maintaining human health.Pur...


Cheese bread

I've always rarely made bread, because I really don't want to do hand-fried cheese, seeing that this time the theme is butter, cream, cheese, whatever, it's so good for my appetite, so I'd like to be a cheese, the process of mashing is long, while watching TV while mashing, the time also passes relatively quickly, plus I like to eat it myself, my heart is also happy. ...


Burning the balls

160 ml of milk, one egg, 16 grams of sugar, 3 grams of salt, 290 grams of flour, 3 grams of yeast, 24 grams of butter, p...


Carrot juice and bread

Since the bread machine came to my house, my family has been eating more pasta than food! This is very rare in Hunan, where rice is the main food. How many classmates like me have not liked to eat carrots since childhood?Given the rich nutrition of carrots, we can eat them all the time, today's carrot bread is specially prepared for comrades who don't eat carrots!...


Rye bread

When we talk about bread, we all say that it's sweet and fragrant, but it's beautiful and it's not in tune, and it's going to change your mind! Have you ever eaten cornbread?...


Pure handmade Christmas tree bread

Christmas customs: at Christmas people prepare Christmas trees, give gifts to friends and loved ones, prepare Christmas gifts, today prepare an edible Christmas tree bread, give it as a gift to everyone, and share it with everyone. ...


Purple bread rolls

There are countless types of bread that look good and taste good, and you can do whatever you want to do with it, depending on your imagination.Mima is a less imaginative person, who can occasionally innovate, and most of the time she learns from her culinary predecessors.Every time you change the shape of the bread, the child will be especially fresh, what kind of bread did the mother make today? Wow, good to see, wow, good to eat! Such praise, for the surprise of the child, with the joy of the mother, how good! ...


Ham rolls

Like all children, ham is my son's favorite food, whether it's fried or cheese, whether it's cooked or eaten raw, I don't get bored, in order for my son to eat happily in the morning, I like to put ham in the bread, then add a bowl of spicy soy sauce or mixed cereal porridge, one morning I can get enough nutrition oh!...


Mexican caterpillar

The caterpillar is the caterpillar, why is it called the Mexican caterpillar? Hip-hop, let's be honest! Because, beauty is blind again, replacing the caterpillar's bubble paste with Mexican paste! So, wow, the caterpillar turned into the Mexican caterpillar! Does the caterpillar in the pink coat have another taste?...


Pumpkin and potato sandwiches

After the madness of the Mid-Autumn Festival, people don't want to move it anymore, it's really strange, you have to celebrate the festival very much want to eat a food, only bread, there seems to be no time limit, you can eat it anytime, after a few days of not eating, you will miss it.These days I play with pumpkins and purple potatoes every day, and I really like these two foods.And with the soy sauce, this bread is really quite healthy.This time I deliberately tried it without adding butter, it also feels very ...


A small meal package

The last time I saw bread made with wine, I had a little wine at home, with some cocoa powder.It's a medium-sized method, I don't know if it's because of the wine, but this time the bread is especially big, with the smell of cocoa powder, soft and delicious. ...
