The fragrance of oranges

It's orange season, let's make an orange cake together. ...


Light cheese cake

I bought one of Uncle Chase's cakes, threw most of it away, for some reason I couldn't eat it, it was boring.I've also used other people's recipes, I've learned that baking time is too short, everything is done according to other people's recipes, but I'm already very satisfied, because for someone who can't even cook frozen dumplings, I'm proud of my progress!...


German Christmas bread

It's from my beloved bread, and I've lost one-third of my weight.It's about 750 grams. ...


Fast hamburger embryos

The main ingredient, except for the butter, is poured into the bread maker's stirring bucket, the kneading process is st...



Today I made peach butter, the original recipe was changed a lot by me, the original recipe was made with medium flour + vegetable oil + baking soda, and the result was changed by me due to material limitations: low flour + butter + baking powder.In order to achieve a more spicy effect, I mixed the butter with the flour, and I was amazed to make this peach paste, and the result surprised me, it was really spicy, and I could eat the spicy walnut seeds in every bite.Finally, I would like to say that this oven has a r...


The hamburger macaroni

It's a French dessert that makes you feel infinitely happy, small, colorful, round and lovely....
