Peanut butter bread

The other ingredients, except peanut butter and butter, are poured into the barrel one by one, and five loaves of sweet ...


Bag of beans

Put the milk, the eggs, the salt, the sugar in the bread bowl, then the flour, and put the yeast on top.
Choose low ...


Butter bags

Add 130 ml of warm milk.
Add the eggs.
2 grams of salt and 40 grams of sugar.
Prepare high starch flour and ...


Red bean meal packages

All ingredients except butter are placed in the bread barrel and the dough for 20 minutes! 20 minutes later put in the s...


Chestnut bread

Today I'm going to share with you a lovely bread in the shape of a chestnut. Interestingly, this bread is similar in shape to a chestnut, but it has nothing to do with chestnut in terms of taste or even material....


Cinnamon bread rolls

Today I'm going to share with you how to make a small snail cinnamon roll.It's very simple, just deform the ordinary cinnamon roll a little bit and it instantly turns into a little snail cinnamon roll!...


Panda bread is baked

Friends, you've always thought that the baking machine can only make toast or dough, right? Actually, you're wrong; I told you that the baking machine can do a lot of beautiful things....


Four-colored tofu sandwich

The inspiration for this bread comes from the four-color toast bread that everyone makes, the bright colors are especially attractive, I wanted to make bacon cheese flower bread, but I don't like cold cheese, so I like soy sauce, the first time the flower bread was not good enough, I feel good this time. ...


Tea and chestnut bread

Mix the tea powder, the flour, the yeast, and the milk, and you'll be fine.
Electric and noodles in the middle for 1...


Grapefruit milk toast in a bread machine

Take turns pouring milk, egg juice, cream, sugar and salt into the wrapped bucket.
Then add the high flour, and the ...


Clean and Healthy Whole Wheat Toast

All materials except butter, ground into the expansion stage.
After adding the butter and stirring, the whole wheat ...


Soft and sweet bread

I haven't scrubbed flour since I got the bread maker, whether it's for making bread or distilled dumplings, isn't it lazy? Ha ha ha! But the lazy man changed the recipe given by the bread maker, creating a unique recipe for making soft, sweet bread, which tastes great! The butter in the original recipe is changed to olive oil, which feels healthier; the cream is made from the rest of something else, maybe because it tastes better!...
