Ordinary cookies

Room temperature melted butter + refined sugar, shipped
Effects after launch
Sift through the powder and continu...


Crispy butter cookies

Preparation materials: low starch flour 130 g, one egg yolk, 50 g of refined sugar, 120 g of butter, 1 g of salt, 1 g of...


Chocolate cookies from the Handsome Star

Cut the butter into small pieces, soften at room temperature, then pour into the fine sugar and stir evenly, be sure to ...


Cocoa and yogurt waffles

This time it's a cocoa drop, and the difference from the original flavor is that the original 180 grams of pure milk is replaced by a combination of 130 grams of pure milk plus 50 grams of raw yogurt, which is soft after baking.The original taste is crispy and soft, with yogurt cocoa cake less than the crispy taste on the outside, more of some strands of toughness is very tasty, and without putting the fresh box on the outside it will not dry, I like the taste of the drop~~~~ with the filling of fresh cream, and th...


Butter and biscuits

130 g of butter softened at room temperature
Sugar powder (I don't have white sugar anymore) is 50 g.
It is best...


Monkey head mushroom biscuits

One of the monkey heads.
Crushed in a cooking machine
After softening the butter, mix the white sugar evenly, ad...


Soft cream cookies

The ingredients are ready, the sugar powder is crushed sugar.
Cut the butter into small pieces to soften at room tem...


Bear and Almond cookies

Happiness for All
Butter softened at room temperature with sugar powder
The eggs are whitened and the juice is a...


A bear with an almond cookie

It's almost Spring Festival, and we're about to start eating, drinking, and taking our relatives away for New Year's Eve, so make some bear-held almond cookies for the kids to eat, both cute and delicious. ...


Coffee and cookies

Coffee powder sprayed with boiling water in filter paper
Filtered pure coffee, about 40 grams.
Drying and coolin...


The almond cookie

Butter melts at room temperature to soften to about 25 degrees Fahrenheit.
Don't underestimate the effect of tempera...


Baking cookies

I've tried a lot of other people's recipes, but some of them are really good, so I thought, instead of worrying, why not do it myself, not only to make my family feel comfortable, but also to feel fulfilled, before, I've tried a lot of other people's recipes, but some of them are really good, so I modified the recipe ratio, even though the essence is very integrated...
