Honey bean soft bread

As usual, I learned to make bread with Mr. Meng, this round and simple bread made me fall in love at first sight, the honey beans inside played the role of drawing the dragon's eye, I started not knowing the meaning of this soft bread, and after baking it, I was a little confused, is it a cake or a bread?Oh, now I understand why it's called soft bread, the name is very appropriate!...


Cranberry cheese bread

Cheese filling: Cream cheese softened with sugar powder, stirred evenly.
The cranberry bubble is soft.
In additi...


Dried grape bread

Each half of high starch flour, low starch flour, sugar and all the dry yeast is added to water and unsweetened soy sauc...


Whole wheat grape bread

Take this as a gift for Mother's Day! May God bless you! 1 teaspoon of whole wheat flour: not the kind with the peel in the flour, but the whole flour ground with whole wheat, which preserves almost all the nutrients of wheat, especially minerals and dietary fiber.Studies have shown that eating more whole wheat products in women is very beneficial in preventing various breast diseases.In addition to providing heat, it also contains trace elements such as calcium, potassium, iron, magnesium, folic acid and other min...


Purple bread

Today is Mother's Day, a day of thanks to mothers.In the minds of many people, Mother's Day is associated with Carnival, which has become a symbol of motherly love and is revered by people.Internationally, the flower dedicated to the mother is the carnation, which opens bright and beautiful flowers on delicate green stems, the petals are compact and not easy to fall off, the leaves are thin and not easy to curl, the flowers are beautiful and elegant.The red carnation symbolizes enthusiasm, justice, beauty and never...


A little bread with honey on the bottom

This type of bread is sometimes called Korean honey bread, and sometimes it is called Korean baked bread.I used to buy it and eat it when it was popular on the streets.Now, I've learned to make my own baked goods, bread, cakes, and so on, basically by hand.It's a crisp, crisp, crisp, crisp, crisp, crisp, crisp, crisp, crisp, crisp, crisp, crisp, crisp. ...


Walnut and dates whole wheat bread

After all, there are few people who like to eat the rough taste of whole wheat bread, plus it's expensive, every time you go to the bakery to buy it, it's always off, and there's also a lot of fake whole wheat bread, which is actually ordinary bread that's soft and loose, you can't see the wheat flour, it's often heavy oil, heavy sugar.So I decided to do it myself, healthy and safe. ...


Children's favorite - whole wheat crispy bread

This bread is not only loved by children, but also by families.The dough is mixed with whole wheat flour and used for breakfast nutrition.It's delicious to eat it at home, to buy some crispy skins, to mix it with wheat-flavored dough, to sprinkle it with onions and sesame, and to taste it!...


Magical, low-fat, healthy and delicious - pocket bread

PITA BREAD is a staple food in the Arab countries of the Middle East, and I love this type of staple bread, which rises high like a balloon during high-heat baking, magical, interesting, magical, low-fat, healthy and delicious - pocket bread.Pocket bread has the advantage of being low in fat and low in calories compared to hamburgers, because it is very low in fat and sugar, and it is absolutely suitable for people who want to lose weight all day long.It's also good to eat, because it's less added, so you can chew ...


Milk steak packages that can be washed

This is the first time that my son has experienced the joy of making bread, and if before it was a help, this time it was his own hand, from the kneading of the dough to the fermentation of the dough to the shaping and baking, the whole process was his own operation, his own completion.The result was very good, and the silk-covered bag was also praised by the family, and has become a recipe for oven-saved bread in the family. ...


One hundred percent satisfaction - milk tea and fruit bread

Mix the delicious milk tea into the toast dough, then wrap it in your favorite filling to make this delicious milk tea fruit small bread in a soft bread, light tea flavored with strong milk flavor, plus the delicious filling is super satisfying....


Salted egg bacon bread

Egg bacon salty bread, when you hear the name of this bread, you can imagine how nutritious and delicious this bread is! I add whole cooked eggs and bacon to the bread making, making the bread more nutritious and with the smell of bacon, it really is a convenient bread to take out for a walk! Especially suitable for children to take out for a walk, save the trouble of peeling eggs, and it is also very filling!...
