Egg toast

Taken from Master Pig, slightly modified...


Whole blueberry bread

Here's an offer for a summer blueberry....


Bread made from milk

Remove all the material, stir the butter to the expansion stage, then put it in the butter, stir until the full stage, a...


Cocoa bread

The bread is made with cocoa powder and has a special aroma.But the amount of cocoa powder should not be excessive, otherwise the taste will be bitter and you will not be able to eat it. ...


Banana sandwiches

This bread uses cream, so the milk smells good, and at the same time, because of the cream, it also saves the use of butter or any other fat-like ingredients, it's relatively healthier to eat, plus it puts fruit seeds, it also enriches the taste, it tastes really good. ...


Light cream toast

Today's version of the baker's light cream toast is super good!The toast that comes out is not only delicious, but it's also super soft and foldable, and I call it the toast of yoga!...


A bag of hot dogs

High-powder, low-powder, sugar, salt, yeast, eggs, milk, etc. are placed together in a bowl, stirred evenly, and kneaded...


Castor four-eyed bag

Put all the ingredients in the dough except the butter in the bowl and knead until the dough is firm.
Add butter and...


A bag of spicy pine flowers

High-powdered pepper powder, yeast powder, sugar powder, etc. are mixed evenly in the cooking pot.
Add the eggs and ...


Cream packed meals

Weigh the dry material, the high-strength flour, the fine sugar, the milk powder, the salt and put it in the bowl.


Homemade bread is also good.

The last time I went back to my mother-in-law's house, I bought some homemade whole wheat flour, and I was still wondering if it would rub out the film.After trying it, I found out that it was an unexpected surprise, and I made a beautiful toast and this bag.Of course, I'm selfish, I'm cold to eat breakfast outside, I'm cold to eat breakfast outside, I'm cold to eat breakfast outside, I'm cold to eat breakfast outside, I'm cold to eat breakfast outside.With milk tea and eggs and ham, this is the meal I'm eating.Raw...


Bread and butter

Prepare all the ingredients
Mixing the first step together
Mixed into dough.
Cover with a preservative
