Toasted bread roll

High-strength flour, milk powder, white sugar, and yeast are mixed together and stirred evenly.
Add milk or water an...


Cossman Vietnamese bread

The ingredients are prepared, then the ingredients, except for the butter, are put into the bread barrel by the number o...


Cranberry chocolate soft wrap

The recipe for this bread comes from the ancestors of love and freedom.A combination of cranberries, chocolate, and cocoa powder, complementing and intersecting various flavors.Since there is no toasted chocolate at home, I used ordinary chocolate.When eaten hot, chocolate also has the effect of popcorn! As the ancients said: "There is acidity, there is sweetness, and there is a slight bitterness and bitterness, it really tastes like love". Thank you for sharing love and freedom....


Whole wheat bread

This time the bread is added to the dough.The baked bread is very soft.The face is a fermented dough.When making fermented dough, after fermenting the extra base, the dough is wrapped in a preservative film, placed in the refrigerator freezer for one week or kept at a constant temperature for two days.Before use, the old dough is removed and reheated at room temperature, after which the new dough can be added.The dough is an excellent natural additive, and the dough with the dough is very flexible, tasty and moistu...


Smoked bread

Dough: high starch flour 100 g low starch flour 10 g starch unsalted butter 10 g starch refined sugar 15 g starch salt 1...


Onion bread

The whole egg is poured into the baking machine, salt and sugar are added to the corners, poured into the milk powder, h...


Natural yeast coconut milk meal pack

Pani Popo means coconut-flavored meal package, originating from the Samoan Islands (Samoan Islands or Samoa Islands) in the South Pacific, and is also often seen in other nearby areas such as Hawaii.The dough itself is not complex, the unique thing is that the coconut paste is not mixed in the dough, but is poured into the mold before baking, so the package is soaked in coconut paste and baked.After baking, part of the coconut paste is absorbed by the dough, making the texture softer, and the rest becomes a thick s...


Tearing bread with coconut

Flour, dry yeast, refined sugar, salt all in the bowl, stir evenly
Add milk, eggs, put in the blender and stir.


Rural cranberry bread

I've made a lot of bread, but I've never had the courage to try it.The first impression of the oboe is either that it's thick and hard as a brick, and it can kill you, or that it's high in oil and sugar, and it's disgusting to look at...Of course, these are my first impressions after seeing the picture...Later, I made Stollen and Pandolo Christmas bread, which tasted good, although it was a little high in calories...However, the impression of the European Union has also improved.The recipe for this attempt, still r...


A heart-shaped bread with love

Put all the ingredients in the bowl.
When the coconut filling material is ready, wear disposable gloves and rub the ...


Pack of flowers

All the ingredients are mixed in a cluster, refrigerated and fermented for 17 hours.
Put the dark chocolate in a sma...


Six loaves of bread in two colors

All the ingredients are mixed in a cluster, refrigerated and fermented for 17 hours.
Put the dark chocolate in a sma...
