Naked strawberry cake

To love you is to hope that in the future life, I can eat many, many meals with you.I want to tell you that I love you, but I still haven't said it, I want to make desserts that are beautiful, these handmade foods for you are the most beautiful love letters. ...


Cake from New York

Cheese cake is a very popular type of cake. Cheese cake is made by adding a lot of cream and using a waterproof baking method, giving the cake a rich flavor and a silky smoothness.Doesn't the decoration of the cake with a layer of cream and a little bit of fruit feel very elegant?...


Cheese and cream cupcakes

"As a guest of the event, I participated in the handmade crackers white Valentine's Day theme event, the organizers asked me to teach the guests how to make cupcakes, of course, the cakes made at the event were absolutely no more protein-free than this simple, zero-base guests, to be precise, they made muffins, to decorate the venue, on the morning of the event I also made a few at home, the muffins made that day were particularly beautiful, unfortunately I was in a hurry (late) to take a picture of them."The cream...


Chocolate almond cake

Almond powder low powder mixed with sieve;
The eggs are placed in an oil-free, water-free bowl, spread, and added su...


The black chocolate muffin

Eggs poured into cooking oil
Add white sugar and stir evenly.
Add one egg, stir evenly, if more is done, stir ev...


Yoghurt cake

Collective shadow
Egg yolks are separated into different containers, no oil, no water.
Egg whites or refrigerate...


Honey cake

My son told me to make a cake and take it to kindergarten and share it with my friends.So I baked two small cakes and two small biscuits and brought them over. ...


Yoghurt cake

I don't know why children love sweet things, but this yogurt cake tastes a little sweet and soft. It's perfect for children....


Heavy cheese cake

I've made several versions of the cheese cake, and I usually make it for my own enjoyment, and it's the first time I've made it, and it tastes really good, delicate and fragrant, so I have to recommend it. ...


Carrots and bananas

I used old yogurt to make cream cheese, and the soft cream was about to expire, so I found a recipe for a caramel banana tower! Bananas and caramel go well together!...


Barbie cakes with sugar

Baking is about breeding your heart.Cute is a state of mind and a good response to life, and this Barbie doll is a continuation of that spirit, or cute or cute or fashionable, used for baking, will bring a bright surprise to your cake. ...


Smoked sponge cake

Whole egg sponge, the square of a frog, with egg yolk added in addition to the whole egg.The smell is more intense, the color is more golden and attractive.I've seen this brand on the Internet lately.The color of the packaging is appetizing.It's not used.When I first saw the words cake powder, I thought it was cake pre-mixed powder.Look closely at one of the ingredients, only three words of wheat flour.So take it easy.I've always thought that pre-mixed flour is stupid flour, everything is added almost equally, ther...
