Milk and butter bread

I don't show the ingredients, I give the quantity, it's better to rub out such a thin film.
Then it is left to ferme...


Meat packages

The packages are packed in the breakfast, there's a bread machine, hurry up, just take some time!...


Cake with walnuts

There are so many walnuts in the house, I thought I'd invent a cake, because everyone in the family likes to eat sweets, and I make double servings every time.The recipe is two six-inch squares, and if you're going to make a six-inch one, cut it in half.Remember to follow me after you like my recipe collection....


Cream and cranberry bread

Start the baking machine and knead the dough for 20 minutes with butter, cranberry, and cream.
Add butter (cut as th...


The peeled sesame bear

The peel, the outermost outer layer of wheat, contains a considerable amount of vitamin E and B vitamins, vitamin E is also called anti-infertility vitamin or fertility phenol.Vitamin E is associated with reproductive function, is a nutrient that prevents infertility and human cell aging, and can be anti-cancer. ...


Caramelized almond noodle cake

The heat can be controlled, the nutrition is absolutely good, and the taste is portable....


Tofu bread

There are many varieties of bread on the market today.I remember when I was a kid, the most common thing was that old-fashioned bread with nothing added, and in elementary school, it was two cents a loaf.And then there's the tofu sandwich, which not only looks beautiful, but the tofu filling is especially delicious.Every time my mother went to the county town, she would bring us some back, and the joy was indescribable.Nowadays, bean sandwiches are still common, and the smooth, sweet filling is still so tempting, u...


Red wine dry bread

Grape juice soaked in red wine for more than 3 hours.
Removing the asphalt.
Dry the raisins with a cloth or a ki...


Cheese bread

Put all the ingredients in the bread except the butter in the bread machine and the dough.
Adding butter and flour t...


Little Bear bread

The flour is sifted, mixed with yeast, milk, eggs and fine sugar, and kneaded into a dough.
Add softened butter and ...


Sweet potatoes and soft cocoa

I've recently fallen in love with Europeans, especially with this soft, soft Europeans, and I can say that this is one of my favorite breads so far, I like the taste of it, I like the fact that it can change the inside filling, every time I make a soft Europe, I can change the inside filling as I want, every time I eat a different feeling, thank you!...


Cream bread rolls - soft and tasty

The yeast in the medium material is first dissolved in water, stirred with a chopstick, then added to the high flour and...
