Yoghurt tower

This is the course that the last instructors taught, and it tasted really good, and now I'm sorting it out, and I'm looking at it, and I want to eat it again....


Unleavened yogurt cake

This is actually a confusion that a lot of people have about how to eat dessert not only to fill their mouths but also not to get fat? The question is... actually... it's not possible in general... because dessert dessert is based on butter and a lot of sugar and sometimes chocolate cheese and so on, which is why the girls around me are always depressed and want to eat and don't dare to eat.So today I recommend an oil-free cake, the main recipe for deliciousness is yogurt, healthy low-fat not afraid of fat - you do...


Almonds and peppers

The oil and sugar are mixed and mixed with the whole egg juice and cream.
Sift into low powder, baking soda, almond ...


Raw/yellow peach eggs

Preparation of materials
Mix all the ingredients except the yolk and stir until the sugar melts.
Screening, main...


Yoghurt cake

Powdered sieve
The egg yolk should be separated. Remember that the egg yolk must be placed in a container without wa...


Portuguese eggs with a long history

Portuguese cream pie, also known as Portuguese egg tower, or Portuguese pie in Hong Kong and Macau, is a small cream pie with a characteristic brown surface (caramel after excessive heating of sugar).It is said to have been invented in the 18th century by the nuns of the Monastery of Gironimo in Lisbon, Portugal.It was first sold in 1837 in a secular pastry shop, then called Belin because of its location in the Belin district of Lisbon.There is also a saying: Portuguese egg pie, also known as Portuguese cream pie, ...


The apple pie

Put low-fiber almond flour, sugar flour, a little bit of salt in a large bowl, and cut the butter into small pieces and ...


Stuffed walnuts

Walnut butter, originating from the court cooks, who exactly? No one can answer.But the practice has been passed down from generation to generation.The housewives, the new brides, they're practicing, they've got boards, they've got eyes, they're like models.Its main characteristics are dry, spicy, crisp, and sweet.In fact, it's more fun for the elderly.Going home for New Year's Eve, bringing a homemade delicious peach cobbler to the elderly, without saying a word.The elderly do not lack food and drink, they lack th...


Walnut butter

The last time I made a peach pie with walnut meat, it was very popular with the elders, so I made some more for the elders last night.This is made by crushing walnuts into walnut powder and mixing them into flour to make them crisper and taste more like walnuts.And this cake is one of the bridesmaids' cakes in our village.When I got married, I bought it at a bakery for a dollar each.I did the math last night, and it's probably going to cost four or five bucks a piece (assuming this cake is the same size as the one ...


Afternoon dessert - tea cake rolls

I like the fragrance of matcha....


The Peach Pie

Peach cakes are sold in the streets, but I prefer the smell of silk powder.I personally don't like the fact that the pork fat on the outside is not healthy, the other is that it's too sweet, the heavy oil and the heavy sugar are not suitable for the elderly in the house.I didn't add nuts to it, I used sesame instead, so I called it sesame paste!...


Pumpkin pie with honey

After looking at a lot of other people's recipes, I finally came up with a recipe for a pumpkin pie that I love, and it's a cookie-like pie, and it's made with honey instead of sugar, and it's healthier....
