Kitty cat cookies

I bought the molds online.About three 25-liter ovens...


Chef Shuffle

Apply a thin layer of butter to the pan.
To make custard sauce: first, the egg yolk is placed in a container, disper...


Original flavored cake

Eight-inch chicken cake is usually five eggs, this time the chicken is made with three eggs, one head is a larger egg, if a medium head can be used with four eggs.Since eggs are used in small quantities and the egg yolk is not strong enough to swell, add a small spoonful of bubble powder to help the swelling, if you do not like bubble powder, you can add an extra egg yolk. ...


The egg.

On weekends, I get up early and prepare breakfast for my family.My friend was busy, didn't have time to bake, so he sent me the eggshells, hip hip! 8 of them, just two for each person, make your own eggshell juice, bake it easily, breakfast is ready, haha!...


Tea and green beans

The ingredients are mixed separately into clusters and left to simmer for 20 minutes.
The oil is divided into 16 equ...


Mango eggs

Heat the cream to dissolve and put the refined milk sugar in the container.
Cut the mangoes into peels
When the ...


The egg.

Boil the butter, the milk, the refined milk, the white sugar in the pot, stir the sugar and turn off the fire.
The h...


The Mango Moose

One-third of the mango is added to 40 grams of sugar, 50 grams of milk into a paste, and the rest is cut into small piec...


Freshly squeezed meat pie

10 and so on. 10 and so on.
3 times wrapped in fresh meat filling
Put the eggs in the oven and sprinkle them wit...


Fruit and vegetables

Thousands of layers of fruit, do you see so many layers? Take a bite, that crisp really can only be experienced by tasting it yourself. ...


Chocolate cake with flavoring

After cutting the dark chocolate, melt it with the butter.
Proteins and sugars added to dry foam.
Egg butter and...


Sponge cake

Put the whole egg in the pot, put it in the white sugar all at once, stir slightly (don't spread)
Butter and milk ar...
