Cranberry cookies

I made this in a relatively large, 52-liter oven, two baking trays, 3 x 4 cm in size, about 3 mm thick, and made more than 80 biscuits, wanting to reduce the ingredients by half, and then I felt I couldn't eat any less, otherwise I wouldn't have enough. ...


It's amazing - the vanilla cream cookies.

This vanilla cream cookie is really super delicious, super crispy, super good to eat, with a strong cream flavor mixed with vanilla flavor, making you want to eat one piece at a time... eat......


Cranberry cookies

If you want to eat, do it yourself....


Blueberry milk and cookies

I don't really like to eat cookies, but since I recently got my hands on an oven, I feel like I can eat this or that, and I want to make every dish in my own way.I made this cookie last night, the first time I didn't experience it, it was a little hard to see, but it tasted super good, my mom ate two-thirds of it....


Flower biscuits

The butter is softened so that it can be pressed by hand and cut into small pieces.
Use a fork to spread the butter....


Tea and cranberry cookies

Following your teacher's recipe for making biscuits, I've been making cranberry biscuits, I haven't tried the tea-flavored cranberry biscuits yet. Today, according to your teacher's recipe for nut butter biscuits, the nuts were replaced with cranberry dried biscuits, and the tea-flavored cranberry biscuits tasted very good, very spicy. ...


Black tea and cranberry pie

The French Count's black tea, which was given to me by a friend years ago, has a very seductive aroma, and the mixture of tea and biscuit scents during the baking process has made me intoxicated, and the finished product is even more fragrant, making me fall in love... ...


The panda cookie

Interacting with children on weekends to make cookies...


The cranberry cookie

Ingredients: butter, flour, sugar, eggs, dried cranberries, vanilla extract, tools: sieve cups, scrapers, egg grinders, ...


Violet and potato cookies

I'm also eager to try it, even though I'm not qualified as a mentor, but I'm in a hurry not to participate in the event.The content of this activity is biscuits, I made this purple potato biscuits, the recipe of the biscuits adds purple potato paste, so that the color of the biscuits also becomes much brighter, and then make a bright pattern, such biscuits look like the children like it, and also make decorations such as dessert cakes, I used it to decorate the cake, so that the flowers can also make a beautiful br...


Mushroom biscuits

All the ingredients, not enough chocolate, I forgot to buy one at home.
Butter pre-softened with sugar
Stir even...


Rose cookies in the evening

After the butter is boiled, add the sugar powder!
A smooth start!
Divide it into two eggs!
Stir evenly!
