Chocolate cake with almonds

If you're going to indulge yourself at home, Tomatoes strongly recommends that you try this cake.But tomatoes are an important tip, and children who are afraid of trouble should be careful.With a big almond chocolate cake as a base, a layer of caramel cheese... it's normal to spend a whole day on it... but the taste of it proves it's worth it.It's really warm and satisfying to make a cake like this.If you show off in front of your friends and family, it's like, wow... it's beautiful!...


French macaroni

Macarons, also known as macaroons, are an Italian dessert made from protein, almond flour, white sugar, and sugar cream, usually stuffed with jam or cream between two biscuits, with a crispy outside and a soft inside.Macalone has an interesting nickname, Maid of Honor, and I'd rather call it Macalone Princess, because it's not easy for a baking enthusiast to conquer it.Many tomatoes are reflected, macaroni is very good to look at, they have tried to do it very early, but never succeeded, finally gave up... a little...


Pumpkin Swiss cake

Pumpkins contain starch, protein, carotenoid, vitamin B, vitamin C, and calcium phosphate, among other ingredients.It is rich in nutrients, is commonly eaten by rural people, and is increasingly valued by urban people.It is not only of high nutritional value.It also has a significant therapeutic effect.Usually I especially like to eat pumpkins in various ways, it just happened that several netizens mentioned that I had to make a pumpkin cake, because the ingredients were not as desired, today I finally calmed down ...


Cartoon steamed cake

Add sugar, milk, yogurt, butter, and stir evenly.
The muffin powder and the bubble powder are mixed and then sifted ...


The cake.

The taste of nostalgia ...


Chocolate cake

It's not as sweet as it sounds, it's more like it's sticky....


Yoghurt cake

If you happen to see a recipe for making yogurt shared by someone else, and you haven't finished eating your own yogurt, try making a yogurt cake.This cake is simple and easy to make, and it's just too good for me as a beginner. ...


10 minutes of tea cup cake

This tea cup cake is very suitable for tea control, very easy to learn, and the taste is not inferior to other cakes.Preheat the oven to 180 degrees. ...


Chocolate paper cup cake

Preparing materials
The butter is dissolved in water, the egg yolks are separated and placed separately in a water-f...


Fresh milk

Butter and milk melt, whole egg whites and sugar boil for 8 minutes, mix in low powder and milk butter at once, stir qui...


The dreamy Shuffle

I was invited by a brand to make this dessert, and I was so satisfied with the finished product that I decided to take it to the contest....


Coffee cake

If you like coffee and want to combine it with bread, this coffee bread is a good choice for you, it is mixed with cranberry sour and sweet, it really enhances the flavor of the bread. ...
