The pizza cake

Authentic pizza cake is a delicious pizza cake that tastes like pizza, but it's soft and delicious, and it's super simple to make, and the beauty of home baking is that anything is possible.You can't eat pizza, but it's much faster to make a pizza cake!...


Red pomegranate cheese and velvet cake

I used to swear in my heart that every year on my birthday I would give him a birthday cake made by my own hands. This is the third year, the child grows up day by day, many things can be understood, he has his own preferences, sweets are probably a dish that all children cannot refuse, from my first day of making cake embryos, this little guy is constantly eating next to me, in order not to let him spoil, I just have to urge his father to hurry and take the child out to play....


Banana and chocolate muffins

I bought some bananas the other day, but I didn't have time to eat them at home, so I took the opportunity to put them away for a few more days to make banana muffins, which used to be raw banana muffins, but this time I added chocolate beans, and found that they were better to eat. ...


Potato puffed swan

This swan puff has been around for a long time, and I've seen a lot of bakers make such beautiful swan puffs, and my heart aches and my hands itch.Even though I've never made a bubble, let alone a bunny shape.The first time I did it, it wasn't perfect, the swan's head and neck were roasted, but after all, it was the first time I tried it, and I felt more satisfied, and it wasn't a disgrace to be a New Year's gift!...


Hokkaido fried cake

The softest cake, the taste of ice cream....


Fruit and cheese sandwiches

Christmas is coming, make a Christmas cake in advance; remember last year's Christmas was spent at home without making a cake, so this year I want to create an atmosphere.I didn't have a special Christmas before I got married, and I would go out if my friends asked me to; it's not like I'm more focused on Christmas now.In my hometown, Christmas is a public holiday, so I go out for a walk or stay at home, but since I got married, I've been focusing more on the holidays; and I also make something special for these ho...


Cinnamon cheese cake

Today's cake tastes different from the previous ones, with an extra layer of gingerbread on the surface; and it's made with red sugar and walnuts as ingredients, it tastes special and the nuts smell good.This cake has a lot of ingredients and a lot of creativity. ...


Matcha and tea

The more basic the cake, the more you have to do it over and over again until you succeed.(This cake has tormented me for a long time) I love to eat desserts, I love to bake, I've always loved to eat soft, fluffy cakes, so for the first time I gave up the easy-to-use biscuits and started the long road of studying the atmosphere.For the skilled and the experienced, maybe they're already familiar with the basics, but for us beginners, faced with the problem of oven temperature regulation and protein spreading and sti...


The Shuffle

Prepare all the materials.
Milk thistle butter and 5 grams of sugar powder are heated and melted in a small pot.


QQ sugar tiramisu

Because the last time I made tiramisu, I had half of the mascarpone cheese, and I wanted to eat it as soon as possible, so today I made tiramisu again, but the difference is that the surface of the tiramisu is decorated with QQ sugar, which is delicious and beautiful. ...


Air-fried crispy cakes

Because of a wooden bowl, I got into the DIY stage, and now I'm still trying to figure out how to buy an oven.It's just that I've got a new Philips air fryer at home, and it looks like it's okay to cook it, and I've done some research, and I've looked at some recipes, and I've finished my first air fryer snack.Within ten minutes of being made, it was scanned by the family, who said it tasted good, and commented that the vanilla cake that you don't want to make a cheesecake is not a good crispy cake."...


Green tea muffins

This muffin made by the fat man is a green tea muffin, and the muffin has a strong tea flavor and tastes very good.Green tea powder has good antioxidant and sedative effects and can reduce fatigue.Green tea contains vitamin C and flavonoids, among which flavonoids can enhance the antioxidant effects of vitamin C, which is also a valuable nutrient, so it can be said to have a treasure-class effect on maintaining skin whiteness.Green tea powder can be used to make masks, cleanse the skin, replenish hydration, dilute ...
