Hot dogs

In addition to the hot dog, pour all the ingredients into the bowl and stir until the dough is smooth, about ten minutes...


Fresh seafood and onion soup

I've been obsessed with Western food for a while, and now I actually like it, but I'm too interested, so I've been dragging it around, dragging it around, and I haven't done a few dishes yet.Suddenly it doesn't matter what you do, the important thing is not to stay where you are, step number 1.2.1That's all there is to it.Do you make Chinese food, baked goods, Western food, snacks?Love more and more now busy life all this, let me love from the heart, every day busy to the point of exhaustion but still smiling to sl...


The Mango Turtle

The eggs I use are chicken eggs, very small, about 25 grams each.
Big eggs are cut in half.
The eggs are added t...


Cheese and pizza

Cleaning utensils
Measure the main ingredient.
The yeast is heated, added to the salt, mixed, and poured into a ...
