Chocolate raisin bread

Dried ingredients such as high-powder yeast, cocoa powder, yeast sugar, etc. are mixed evenly, with a little milk and fl...


Caramel bread

The yeast is mixed evenly with high-powdered fine sugar, and the egg yolk is mixed with water and made into a uniform do...


Whole wheat walnut pack

High flour, whole wheat flour, red sugar, and yeast are mixed evenly, and water and wine are added to smooth the dough.<...


Package of herbal remedies

Wash the herb, peel it, cut it into small pieces, put it in a bowl on high heat, cover it with a lid, turn it over high ...


Sesame seed bread

All ingredients except butter and white sesame are poured into the baking machine, initiating the kneading process (one ...


Cinnamon and walnut bread

All ingredients except butter and walnuts are mixed evenly.
Add butter and knead into the dough, stirring the dough ...


Castor cranberry rice bread

All ingredients, except butter and cranberries, are mixed in a blender.
Continue to stir the dough and add the butte...


Homemade bread is also good.

The last time I went back to my mother-in-law's house, I bought some homemade whole wheat flour, and I was still wondering if it would rub out the film.After trying it, I found out that it was an unexpected surprise, and I made a beautiful toast and this bag.Of course, I'm selfish, I'm cold to eat breakfast outside, I'm cold to eat breakfast outside, I'm cold to eat breakfast outside, I'm cold to eat breakfast outside, I'm cold to eat breakfast outside.With milk tea and eggs and ham, this is the meal I'm eating.Raw...


Crispy honey bread

Mix the bread ingredients and knead until the expansion stage, i.e. the dough is supported by a slightly thicker film, t...


Cow horn bag

Add high-quality flour, low-quality dry yeast, refined white sugar, eggs, 1 tablespoon of clarified water, 225 grams of ...


Tomato cheese bread

Mixing in a machine with raw materials other than oil
Fuel continues to be stirred to the expansion stage.


Red bean cheese bread

All the ingredients are mixed evenly and kneaded into a smooth dough.
My bread maker worked for 15 minutes at a time...
