Butter cake

1 Mix the sugar and butter until white, add the eggs to continue to start, then lower the dough to make the dough smooth...


The mini-cake

The cake is an ancient Western dish, usually made in an oven, and the cake is made with eggs, white sugar, and wheat flour as the main ingredients.It is made with milk, fruit juice, milk powder, aromatic powder, colored oil, water, ghee, and powdered powder.After being stirred, it is cooked and baked into a sponge-like dough. ...


The hive cake

I found out about this cake from my classmates at the weekend, so I went online to check it out.In the end, I found only one recipe in many places, and the author failed.But I finally got the ingredients, so I started trying to make it.I thought I'd fail a few times, but I didn't expect to succeed once. ...


Christmas cream cakes

Let's bring Christmas to the table!...


Small paper sponge cake

After scattering the eggs, add fine sugar, use the egg beater to beat the egg liquid to swell, turn light and white, the...


Butter and bacon.

Bacon sprinkled with yellow sugar, fried in a saucepan until the oil is bright red, flipped over, repeated once, cooled,...


The lava cake

A lava cake is a cake that flows out like lava, and it's sweet with a hint of bitterness! And it's easy to make, and it's scary to eat two kilos of fat!...


The three-color Lymington cake

It's a simple and delicious cake! It's worth a try! The first time you eat it, you love it!...


Spring lovers - white chocolate and marshmallows

It's the season of love, the streets and alleys are full of the taste of love, taste this crisp skin, nuts and oranges romantically intertwined with Madeleine.You can have a cup of black tea to remember the New Year, or you can have a cup of black coffee to chase your lover in the spring. ...


Cake with spinach

The dessert between the cake and the pudding has the softness of the cake and the smoothness of the pudding, the faint aroma of the herb, the leisurely afternoon cup of tea or a cup of coffee with the pudding cake, will make you feel tired and stressed....


Chocolate lava cake

Dark chocolate butter sliced into small pieces, insulated, heated to melt (my Dev! half a box!)
Add powdered sugar t...


Dates and cakes

100 g of room temperature softened butter and 100 g of red sugar beaten in an egg beater for more than 5 minutes so that...
