Cheese and meat loaf

The queen's kitchen, the queen loves fitness, and nature is strict about calorie intake.And it's basically vegetarian, it's basically not touching red meat (pork, beef, sheep, etc.), so it's more demanding on low-fat, low-fat, low-sugar things.It may not taste like the smell of butter, it's like a butter cookie, it's like a heavy cheese cake, it doesn't go in my house, it's about health and not getting fat.My uploaded recipes are all low-card, and I personally and my family think they taste too much.If you're tryin...


Heart-shaped bread

In a bowl, add 70 grams of softened butter, rub the mixture evenly with your hand, add 40 grams of eggs, use a scraper, ...


Potato puree meal pack

The potatoes are cooked while they are hot and pressed into clay, and 100 grams are used after cooling;
The back hai...


Bacon and cheese bread

Throw all materials except butter into the bread maker, open and dough mode (15 minutes)
Continue adding butter and ...


Farmer's chocolate and cassava bread

Farmer's chocolate walnut bread, which is based on farmer's bread with chocolate and walnuts added.The basic dough is the same, the accessories are mainly to increase the flavor, the combination of cashews and sweet and bitter chocolate is a combination of crispy fragrance and thick bitter and sweet, eating a slightly thick taste.If you want it to taste better and smoother, add a little cream when you eat it, but it's hot...Usually when I eat, I add a little bit of cheese, it's a little bit lower in calories, it ta...


Carrot meal packages

All the ingredients are placed in the bread barrel, the liquid is underneath, the yeast is put on top of the flour, the ...


Sexy Cracks - Natural Yeast Whole Wheat

This is a bread that is nourished by time, homemade lemon yeast, used at the same time, fed at the same time, from moving home to Zhuhai, between months, just like caring for a pet, keeping it vibrant, and then at its best every day, taking out some mixture and then slowly fermenting at the right temperature... the starch becomes rich and tough after a long hydration.The moment you put a lovely round dough on a hot stone plate after cutting it, you're filled with anticipation, you're thinking, "It's going to be del...


Beef bread

Preparation materials (the black bowl was corn oil, which was later discarded and used only beef oil for flavor)


Cabbage bread

Pour all the ingredients in the dough, except the butter, into the cook's bucket, and start the cook's low-speed kneadin...


The Black Forest

Put the flour, corn oil, sugar, yeast, salt, milk in the container inside the packaging machine, choose to knead the dou...


Cabbage bread

Put all the ingredients except the butter in the wrapping machine and cook for 20 minutes.
Add butter and dough for ...


Crab bread

All materials except butter are mixed.
Rub until the fragile film is added to the butter and then rub.
It can be...
