Pumpkin flower bread

Weigh the ingredients well.
Put the milk, the eggs, the salt, the white sugar, the bread, the flour, the yeast, the ...


Egg milk and dried grape ham toast

It's been a while since I've had a bread maker, I've been too busy working, and the weather is getting hotter and hotter, and I don't have time to bake things, it's a good thing that I now have a bread maker, and the bread maker is powerful, basically no follow-up operation can be eaten ready-made, it's really suitable for me, a busy person who is still lazy, so today I made a two-hour medium, the weather is hot, two hours is very suitable for now, the fermentation time is shorter, and this bread maker also has an ...


Heart-shaped bread

Before you open the oven, the coconut-scented bread stimulates the taste buds, and when the whole family tastes it and nods their heads in praise, especially when the bear cubs don't like it, you know that the DIY path is the right one. ...


Simple bread

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Pour the yeast into the bowl.
Stir evenly
Cover and ferment for 1 to 2 hours at room temperature until small bub...


Red sugar oatmeal and walnut bread

Rough in appearance, soft in heart!...


Purple and pineapple bags

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Cream toast

All the ingredients in the medium are fermented into a smooth dough that is two to three times the size of the dough.


Rose bread

Tonight, I'm thinking about making roses with the wind.I've reserved four doughnuts (so there aren't as many ingredients as below).I've never seen such a fat rose, I've never seen such a fat rose, I've never seen such a fat rose. ...


Brick toast

This brick toast is a bit complicated to operate, but as long as you have your hands in the right place, Liso, you can also make brick toast that is comparable to the one in the store!...


Rose bread

This rose bread is not only beautiful, but most importantly delicious!...


Sugar packaging

May every child grow up healthy and happy!...
