Cucumbers and dates

A. Work; cabbage; cauliflower; boil water for a while; red dates for the core; ginger for the skin!
II. Pour all the...


Red bean cake

Various materials
The eggs are mixed with sugar until they turn white and the pattern does not disperse easily.


Chocolate cake with animals

A thick chocolate cake base, topped with a smooth chestnut sauce, with a little crispy walnut flavor.It's both delicious and adorable to make a cake in the shape of an animal.Who says a cookie model can only make cookies? Take your kids and make a cake with them.Chestnut sauce: Chestnut (peeled) 120 g butter 10 g cream 75 g, white sugar 10 g and a small amount of salt, put together in the cooking machine to make a sauce, you can cook ...


Light cream cakes

Even without a little oil, the taste is quite soft and delicious. Combine the small paper cup mold, the visual taste of the paper cup cake, are you still hesitating?...


Babies eat less sugar and less oil.

Prepare the necessary materials
The eggs and sugar powder are mixed and served until the hair turns white, because i...


Lemmington cake from Australia

First, mix the milk with the corn oil evenly.
Low-dust screening backup
Pour the eggs into a clean bowl without ...


Easy to learn cheesecake

Beginners are easy to learn, have a high success rate, and have a good mouth....


Banana and walnut cake

It's a rainy day, a cold afternoon, and a cup of hot black tea.With freshly baked banana cake.Suddenly, my heart was filled with happiness......


Raw cheese cake

Light cream is divided into two portions of an average of 75 grams, one of which is added to the milk, sprinkled with ge...


Flower steamed cake

Preparation of materials
Two eggs are cooked whole, cooked until the color fades, not necessarily until the pattern ...


Chocolate cake with cranberry paste

The square refers to the cranberry chocolate cake of the teacher of the round pig pig, with the proportions adjusted.There are some green tea chocolates in the house that use chocolate, a little more flour, more like a sponge, and the finished product is very tasty. ...


Whole wheat cakes

In parentheses is the original amount, please feel free....
