Pumpkin and dates

The dates are cleaned and cut into slices weighing 50 grams.
100 grams of pumpkin peel;
Add flour, yeast, salt, ...


Korean honey toast at the end of the street - honey bread

The main ingredients are mixed and kneaded until the expansion stage, i.e. the dough is supported by a slightly thicker ...


Whole wheat flour

Add whole wheat flour, whole wheat flour, whole wheat flour, whole wheat flour, whole wheat flour, whole wheat flour, wh...


Carrot sticks

All dry ingredients except butter, cream, carrots, and eggs are placed in a pan and stirred evenly by hand; add water an...


Onion and cheese

Low-powder foaming powder mixed with sieve.
The eggs are mixed evenly with the milk.
Cut small pieces of butter ...


Cinnamon wrap

Making bread: All ingredients except butter: 200 grams of high-quality flour, 100 grams of old flour, 10 grams of whey f...


Castaway packaging

All materials except butter are rubbed out and butter is added to the expansion stage of the dough (toast is rubbed to t...


A boat full of milk and crab meat

All the dried powder is mixed evenly in the cooking pot.
Add an egg yolk, slowly add fresh cream and flour, differen...


Mango and blueberries

Mix the high and low starch powder evenly, add the yeast and sugar powder and mix evenly.
Pour in the mango paste an...


Pumpkin butterfly

Mix the high and low starch powder evenly, add the yeast and sugar powder and mix evenly.
Pour into the pumpkin past...


Tofu and sandwiches

It's good to say that baked dessert grows in the blow, because it's true.At first, I thought that the numbers and descriptions on the cake squares were very clear, and the oven had a clear logo, and as long as it was done in the same exact proportion, I could make something.However, I've forgotten that the development of anything is never as simple as you might think, the process is obviously done according to the standard rules, it comes out of the oven, but not once is it not a stunning finished product.You don't...


The French Long Stick New Approach

Cut the French chopsticks and scatter the eggs.
Then apply it to both sides of the bread.
If you want something ...
