Cotton cup cake

This paper cup cake is especially suitable for gifting and for beginners....


Strawberry coconut cake

Happy birthday to you.I want to make a birthday cake for my birthday.I've been practicing making cakes lately.Try the bottom of the cake today.I don't like cake with two layers of cake.. ...


Fresh fruit cream cake rolls

Fresh fruit cream cake rolls, wrapped in your favorite fruit in a sponge cake, a soft cake with fresh fruit and strong cream mixed together, this is the popular fresh fruit cake roll. ...


Sicilian orange cake

Two inspired oranges
Wash and dry the oranges with fine salt
Rub out the orange peel, as long as it's a layer of...


Colorful towel cake rolls

All kinds of baking powder, matcha is one of my favorites, I like the faint green, I like the faint fragrance, not boisterous, not fickle, like a woman with meaning, sitting quietly in a corner, watching the bustle of this time, waiting for the prince who understands himself."Every time I make food with matcha powder, I can't help but have a very calm feeling, baking, really can make people enjoy life quietly, quietly and these crystalline dialogues with nature, people will become more and more full!"...


Santa is funny again.

Christmas, also known as Christmas, translated as the Mass of Christ, is a traditional Western holiday celebrated on December 25 every year.Mass is a religious ceremony of the church.Christmas is a religious holiday because it is celebrated as the birth of Jesus, hence the name Christmas tree, deer sleigh, Santa Claus, snowman, gifted socks......Many symbolize the arrival of Christmas....


Cotton cakes

This is a cake that everyone loves, and I often make it for my family to eat because it's so easy to make....


Cranberry and walnut cake

I made a sponge cake, and I added cranberries and walnuts, which both enriched the taste and increased the nutrition.And it's low in fat, low in sugar, and it's not expensive to eat....


Durian and mango cake

Add the egg yolk to the bowl, then add the milk to the bowl.
Melting of butter with water.
Melted butter is pour...


Christmas tree cake

The atmosphere of Christmas is getting stronger and stronger, the streets and alleys are full of Christmas trees. ...


Banana and rice cake

The sweet-smelling fruit cake, while it's still baking, smells of rich fruit, fresh fruit, and makes you look forward to it.I can't wait to taste it as soon as it comes out of the oven, it's unthinkable oh, it can also have such a wet and smooth taste, what kind of taste? It's really not possible to describe it in a very suitable language, it's sweet and delicate, its lips are fragrant, its taste is caught between the taste and the cheese cake! ...


Reverse the apple pound cake

Usually a few apples are stored in the fridge for a week and no one moves it, but everyone has to grab it and eat it, and in the evening it is done and it is not left until the next morning."I'm very interested in this pound cake. I'm very interested in this pound cake. I'm very interested in this pound cake. I'm very interested in this pound cake. I'm very interested in this pound cake. I'm very interested in this pound cake. I'm very interested in this pound cake."...
