The cranberry sauce

Is it painful to rub the dough to the expansion stage? This dough will save you the trouble of rubbing the dough out of the membrane, let the children's shoes that love to eat bread do it. ...


Cabbage bread

High flour, salt, sugar mixed evenly
Milk mixed with yeast
Pour the mixed milk into the mixed flour and knead it...


Biga is the head of Shabadda.

Like the legal stick, the shabada is a basic-looking but difficult-to-make bread.In addition to requiring a thin crust and a rich taste of internal tissue, its biggest characteristic is that the internal holes are very large and irregular.This bread dough is very rare because of its high water content! It is important to have experience in the technique, be sure to knead the dough as little as possible, by folding the dough to increase strength.This Shabada, although far from perfect, has a lot of room for improvem...


Fast bread

Instant bread is a small bread made without yeast fermentation, but instead of yeast as a chemical expander, it is made with baking powder or baking soda.Its outer skin is baked to a crispy yellow, and the inside is fluffy and soft with a rich flavor, similar to that of a pancake or a loaf of bread. ...


Dried black cheese

Material is good. Large collection.
Start making chocolate dough, pour the ingredients of the chocolate dough togeth...


Oatmeal and coconut cookies

A small biscuit with a low sugar content and a strong oatmeal flavor, made simple, nutritious, and when coarse oats are also very healthy food.Although it doesn't look amazing, it doesn't have a fancy design, but the unique taste is worth a try!...


Black sesame flavored biscuits

The sweet biscuits were eaten, the flavor was changed, the salt was added, and today the biscuits are salty, with black sesame and sunflower seeds, hopefully you like them:...


Mocha fruit cakes

Preparation of materials
Butter softening reserve, chocolate and walnut kernel chopping reserve.
Put the softene...


Oatmeal cake

Pour vegetable oil and eggs into the bowl
Pour into the red sugar and white sugar, stir thoroughly and evenly (but d...


Banana soft cookies

For me, who hasn't been able to stop buying anything lately, it's really necessary to consume a lot of bananas, seeing your banana soft biscuits, I decided to do it, I really like it....


The biscuits are delicious and simple.

The children especially love to eat cookies, they don't want to be sold outside, so they study this delicious and simple cookie, the children eat it and praise it, so they share it with everyone!...


Rosemary and whole wheat cake

Rosemary, native to the Mediterranean, is an evergreen shrub that blooms in the summer with small blue flowers that look like small drops of water, so rosmarinus is Latin for "sea dew".Rosemary is also a symbol of loyalty, so it is common for brides to wear rosemary at European weddings to show their commitment to love.The fragrance of rosemary is strong, it can make the mind awake, after working most of the day, the mind and body are tired, eat a few rosemary gingerbread, the god of fresh air, the leftover fragran...
