Cake with black sugar

The smell of the sweetness of the sweetness of the sweetness of the sweetness of the sweetness of the sweetness of the sweetness of the sweetness.It belongs to the genus Li of the family Rosaceae, and its official Chinese name is European Li.It is rich in vitamin A and cellulose, and contains minerals such as iron and potassium, but no fat or cholesterol.It can help the elderly to supplement iron, zinc, and potassium, strengthen bones, and increase vitamins and minerals in children.The scent is sweet, and the taste...


Fresh milk and fruit cake

Autumn has come, typhoon has come, and the appetite is good. A fresh milk Santa Claus pound cake has been made, with a Western-style autumn cake. The cake contains dried Santa Claus and Monkey Peaches, red, red and green, the Santa Claus is a little sour, the cake is sour-sweet, the milk is thicker with light cream instead of some milk....


Red marble winds

Try adding a little bit of red wine to the mixture, and it has an unexpectedly amazing effect. ...


Yoghurt cake

I haven't had cheesecake in a long time.I miss the taste, but the high energy makes me shudder.I just made a can of yogurt, so try making this cake, it tastes good.It's still a little bit hot, but it's better than cream cheese -- that's a lot.The freshly baked cake is still soft and soft, and after a night of refrigeration, the taste is more moisturized, soft and slightly striped. ...


Candy madeleine

The ingredients and process of making Madeleine are very simple, nothing more than the basic combination of butter, egg flour and sugar.The secret lies in the use of a fan-shaped mold and high-temperature baking, because the mold is shallow around, deep in the middle, so the surrounding dough quickly solidifies, and the addition of BP's dough at this time just has explosive force, can only break through from the middle, thus forming a small belly that protrudes outwards.Madeleine, with her compact, perfect curves, ...


Coconut cake rolls

In the summer, to lose weight, I rarely eat cake.Autumn seems to have a good appetite, lately it's not bread or cake, my nephew starts school in a few days, do this, let him relieve his hunger before school starts.I also have to go to work for a while, just to take advantage of the recent vacation to do some more.This coconut roll is the one I see most often in the supermarket, but I rarely buy it because I don't think it's so hygienic outside.It's just that we have coconut oil and blueberry sauce at home, and we m...


Watermelon cake

I was going to make a coconut cake, but I changed it almost at the end, and it turned into a coconut cake with a flowing pattern (or a fracture pattern)....


Coal fired

This square is very useful, I've always kept it.It's very, very similar to what's sold outside, and people think it's softer.The organization is looser.The body cake isn't very sweet, and the filling tastes just right.Parents with disabilities can also try it themselves. It's very simple. Two days later.The accent is still good. ...


Tea and ice cream cake

I've loved ice cream since I was a kid, and I've been called an ice cream baby, so you can see how much I love ice cream.Every time I go to the supermarket, I buy a bunch of ice cream frozen in the fridge, and the fridge is always full, and I can eat 10 ice creams at a time.After loving baking, to be precise, after entering the kitchen, I saw that everyone was making their own ice cream, so I decided to do it myself, in the kitchen, I not only learned a lot of food, but I also changed my eating habits, my diet beca...


The Black Forest cake

For me, who am not a professional baker, this job is not something that can be done quickly at home, baking cakes, flowers, making chocolate chips is quite time-consuming, but when I look at the finished product, my heart is still happy, I can make a cake as beautiful as the West Point store. ...


Banana and peanut butter cake

It's been a long time since I've moved the oven, and today I'm going to do a little bit of baking to solve the banana problem at home.This is a bunch of bananas that my cousin bought last week, a dozen kilos, and it's hard for me to get rid of so many bananas at home, it's going to rot, so I'll just bake some for my friends and leave some for myself.Today's recipe is called banana peel cake, and it's a very simple recipe.You don't need an electric egg beater and a lot of tools to make it, as long as you have an ove...


Chocolate raspberry mousse

This is the birthday cake I made for my daughter last week, and it's the sixth birthday cake I've made for my family.I've been in contact with baking for almost two years, it's baking that has made me fall in love with food and I've also gotten to know this big family of cuisine, thank you for all the support and affirmation you've given me in these two years, you've always encouraged me, you've made me more and more determined and more and more fond of food.I remember the excitement of the first time I made a cook...
