Cotton cup cake

This paper cup cake is especially suitable for gifting and for beginners....


Chocolate cake with buttermilk

The reason I came up with this is because I really wanted to use up all the sour cream and cotton candy that was left over from the fridge, and I thought it would be nice to have a wet, sweet cake with a little bit of crispy cream on it, and baked walnuts would be really good....


Cake of red dates

Winter is coming, and I especially like dates, so I made a cake, and this is a very tasty date cake....


Cotton cakes

This is a cake that everyone loves, and I often make it for my family to eat because it's so easy to make....


Natural yeast panettone

The entire material of the dried part of the wine-stained fruit is mixed (the vanilla pods are cut in advance and the va...


Sugared doughnuts

Sugared doughnuts, pink chocolate coats, and pink flowers are adorable, and gifts should be decent."Recently I found out that my level of photography is really bad, something that is supposed to be beautiful, you can't always express it to the fullest, shouldn't I take a photography course?" ...


Zebrafish cake

This cake is made with cocoa powder and baked with flowers, especially like a zebra, so it's called a zebra cake....


The Underwater World

I like to play freely on delicate white papers, doodling at will!...


Tea colored cake rolls

Baking: 170 degrees medium, up and down fire, pattern baking 1 to 2 minutes, cake body baking 15 minutes mold: 25 x 25 cm square mold, colored drawing pattern silicone mat, silicone mat needs to brush the grill oil oven: PE5386 This oven temperature control is indeed more precise, the temperature difference is indeed very small, the upper color is also more uniform; the knob can show the temperature, it feels very practical, no longer worry about the temperature caused by the manual knob!...


Pumpkin cakes

Measure the required materials, spare parts;
Separate the four eggs in two oil-free, waterless glass bowls;
60 g...


Cartoon steamed cake

Add sugar, milk, yogurt, butter, and stir evenly.
The muffin powder and the bubble powder are mixed and then sifted ...


Cake with orange juice

Today is Chongqing Festival, the unit is engaged in activities, there is no time to go home to visit the elderly, so at 2 a.m. this morning I started busy making two family cakes, hurrying to deliver the cakes to the two elderly people's homes before the unit event.The appearance of the orange juice is full of golden yellow, the taste is soft and delicate, the fruit is fragrant, there are no chemical additives, it is safe, healthy, suitable for regular consumption in the family. ...
