Red sugar oatmeal cookies

Oil is poured into the container with eggs and red sugar, mixed evenly
All the flour is mixed together, poured into ...


Christmas gingerbread

Put all the ingredients in the bowl to make the gingerbread.
Mix by hand and knead into a dough.
Put the good do...


Jenny and Cookie

Butter softened at room temperature, stirred, added 104 grams of powdered sugar
The color of the mixed butter has tu...


Afternoon tea cookies

Homemade goods from small-scale women...


Milk and salt cake

Losing weight is essential, eating and feeling full doesn't make you fat. ...


Tea cookies in the shape of a panda

The sugar flour is sifted, the butter is crushed and the flour is mixed to make a bread dough, and the egg juice is adde...


Cookie-shaped cookies

The butter is softened to a point where it can be easily picked up by the fingers, and the sugar, salt, and vanilla extr...


Mocha fruit cakes

Preparation of materials
Butter softening reserve, chocolate and walnut kernel chopping reserve.
Put the softene...


The Christmas Biscuit Festival

Sugar powder is added to softened butter at room temperature and whitened
Add the mixture of egg whites and egg yolk...


Candy and soda rolls

Preparation of materials
The butter is softened at room temperature and mixed evenly with white sugar.
Launched ...


Margaret's cookies

Preparation of materials
Butter is softened at room temperature, added to white sugar, and becomes swollen.
The ...


Onion-scented soda biscuits

Eat more sweet cakes, biscuits and bread, this salty soda biscuit is undoubtedly a breath of fresh air in the baking, tastes fresh, not greasy, but also chewy, try it, it's very simple!...
