Black sesame seafood cookies

The more cookies you make, the more you find out that the cookies taste bad, and the cookies look bad, and there's no inevitable connection.It's just a matter of putting the base powder in the butter mixture, and it's done in stages, and the biscuits don't taste bad.In such a situation, how to sell is more of a test of strength.It's not about the flowers, it's about the flowers, it's about the flowers, it's about the flowers.Freeze-dried biscuits are usually formed into regular rectangular columns and then sliced i...


Gingerbread for Christmas

Put all the ingredients in the bowl to make the gingerbread.
Mix by hand and knead into a dough.
When the dough ...


Lemon cookies

Fresh lemon juice.
Cut the lemon peel into pieces.
Before slicing the lemon peel, the white part of the inside n...


Coffee and Italian crackers

In the past, I've published a product called BISC0TTI, which is a hard-boiled Italian cracker that doesn't contain any fat in its ingredients.Today's biscuits are its cousins, but, because of the addition of butter, they taste very different and are very spicy.Although the characteristics of BISCOTTI have been lost, the method of preparation is different, but the appearance and the method of baking are the same, both are crescent-shaped cookies, and both require two rounds of baking.If you're not used to hard BISCO...


Margaret's cookies

Margaret has a rather long academic name: Miss Margaret, who lives in Stresa, Italy, is said to be a waitress who fell in love with a young lady, so he made this dessert, and took the name of this young lady as the name of this French dessert.Margaret is an absolute beginner's cookie, it doesn't use a lot of tools, it doesn't need special materials, it's simple and simple in appearance, but it tastes delicious, it's a little bit like a waffle head. ...


Candy and soda rolls

Preparation of materials
The butter is softened at room temperature and mixed evenly with white sugar.
Launched ...


The taste of peanut butter

A monkey biscuit is a very interesting biscuit made from three colors of dough wrapped in cylinders, sliced, and decorated with black sesame.The shape of this cookie, which seems simple, the process of making it is more than a test of your patience! You can imagine it by looking at the small grain of sesame! If you think this cookie is interesting and want to practice it, be sure to be mentally prepared!...


Cranberry biscuits - honeyed milkshakes

I like to eat sweets, I've learned many recipes, I've done it several times, I always feel that a single sugar powder is made as if something is missing, when I used to learn how to make milk tea, the master taught me that adding milk to milk tea would be very smooth and aromatic, try putting biscuits in it, it's better than just putting sugar powder....


Flaxseed and mint leaves calcium salt soda biscuits

This soda cake, specially made for the elderly, is of course also suitable for all groups of people, without sugar and crispy.I've tasted two of them myself, and they're really good, and they're comparable to Tai Chi Soda, but Tai Chi Soda can't find flaxseed.The mint leaves are freshly picked, the mint seeds are sprinkled on the balcony, the leaves are pruned, the inspiration comes suddenly, it's better to make a fresh mint leaf soda, the mint leaves are washed and used as a backup. ...


Easy peanut butter cookies

Speaking of classic American desserts, there's no shortage of peanut butter biscuits (since American, of course, can also be thought of as hot).Speaking of this source, it goes back to the beginning of the 20th century, when the United States suffered a major insect epidemic, which led to a sharp decline in the harvest of a large number of cotton crops, when an American agricultural promotion educator vigorously promoted peanuts as a substitute for cotton crops for people's daily consumption, he even published a bo...


The only white lover for White Valentine's Day

White Valentine's Day, are you all having a good time? White Valentine's Day couples should come and be white lovers!White Lover is a delicious cry chocolate biscuit, one of the highlights of Hokkaido, Japan, produced in Sapporo.It's probably because it's often sent back to the country as a handwritten letter.It's also been divided into one or two pieces, so it's really memorable, and it's especially delicious.It's not perfect, but it's the only one, the only white lover, for White Valentine's Day!...


Fingers crossed

Separate the egg yolk and protein and put them in two separate bowls.
When the protein is stirred, add 1/3 of the su...
