Honey forks for small meals

This small meal package is made according to the baking method, with a thick, fresh and sweet roasted meat with soft and soft bread, and it tastes really good!...


Rosemary dishes

It's not like Rosemary's West Point is too much.It's time-consuming and time-consuming.It's simple and quick, and it's basically done.When the donkey's skills were lacking, suddenly the spirit machine moved.If there is no law, why do you have to imitate it and invent your own?There's nothing faster than that.Adding fruit, that's fruit sauce, and adding rosemary probably won't spoil the dish.Starting the lazy mode, even the mold is saved, directly cut into several pieces with a knife, clean and fall, do not wash the...


Rosemary and whole maize

Suddenly I thought,There's whole-wheat bread, there's whole-wheat biscuits, there's whole-wheat cakes, and I've never seen a whole-wheat steak.The guy who doesn't know if it's bread or biscuits has never seen a whole-wheat show.At least, it's not everywhere, otherwise, how many times have you not seen it?It's all right, wood.I invented it myself.Borrowing the king's square, using the classic triangular shape, plus the rosemary in the fridge that needs to be solved as soon as possible, a rosemary all-macon was born....


Rosemary leaf cake

With the spring breeze of rosemary, try different salty breads.And the most gratifying thing is that such bread can be accepted by the parents.Teacher Meng's leaf-shaped bread, replacing the surface spices with rosemary, wood with olive oil, and corn oil.Unfortunately, the grill is too small, the four pieces of dough are too cramped together, and it's impossible to pull the leaf vein out of the larger hole.It is feared that when baking, the gaps that are barely pulled out will be re-glued together due to the expans...


Soup and milk bread

Add 100 grams of high powder to 500 ml of water and stir evenly.
It is heated on the fire and stirred continuously, ...


Soup and onion bread

Soup, in baking, refers to the addition of flour to water and then heating it to make the starch paste, or adding hot water of different temperatures to the flour to make the starch paste.This paste is used in soups.The biggest difference between soup bread and other breads is that the starch paste increases the absorption of water, so the structure of the bread is soft and elastic, which can delay aging and cater to the tastes of modern people. ...


Black wheat French country bread

Put the milk and olive oil in the baking machine, pour the flour, sugar and salt in the corners of the baking machine, d...


Spicy soda bread

Soda bread is a traditional bread in Ireland, and unlike bread made with yeast, it is made by the action of baking powder and baking powder to achieve an expanding effect, so it does not require a long fermentation process, is quick to make, and is a type of easy bread.Of course, the taste is also very different from traditional bread.Its shell is crunchy, the inside is soft, and it doesn't have much flavor. ...


Sweet potatoes

Potatoes used to be a very simple ingredient, but since entering the baking world, they have derived a lot of simple luxuries.This bag of sweet potatoes is the perfect combination of sweet potatoes and sweet potatoes.It's like making a perfect SPA for the dough, and the dough filled with the dough, after baking, becomes colorful and charming, gently breaks soft as silk, tastes sweet and tasteless, and makes you taste for a long time. ...


Thin meat bread

Carnivorous animals are essential...


Cinnamon whirlwind bread

Cinnamon Swirl Bread...


Ordinary bread made by a bread machine

Wrap one egg in a bucket, add 130 milliliters of milk, add 1 tablespoon of olive oil, put 3 tablespoons of white sugar i...
