Cranberry cookies and cookies

The classic cranberry cookie recipe, the crispy leftovers, the sweetness of the butter and the sour sweetness of the cranberries are perfect!...


The letter biscuit

All materials are ready.
If you've just taken it out of the fridge, I think the best way to soften it is to use the ...


Little Red Riding Hood

The pattern of this cookie was something I saw online, and I thought it was so cute, so I drew it on paper and cut it out and used it as a cookie pattern.Although it's a little bit slower to make than using a real cookie mold, it's a way to make any pattern you like into a cookie.The three colors of the dough are three flavors, raw, strawberry and cocoa.This strawberry powder is naturally dried strawberries, so the color is not too intense.In addition, if you add fruit and vegetable powder, do not bake it at too hi...


Tea and cranberry cookies

Recommend the material.
Tea powder and flour are mixed evenly.
Room-temperature softened butter
Stir with su...


The super-simple version of the cranberry biscuit is on its way.

I used to think it was a hassle to buy this cookie for my baby outside, but it turned out to be really easy!...


Tofu snacks

I can't help but want to eat snacks, watch a play, and keep my mouth shut.There are no snacks in the house.I just found a piece of tofu that I bought yesterday, and I wanted to make tofu and eat it, and I wanted to try a different one.I've always had a special love for beans.What would it taste like to make biscuits with tofu?Try it and tell me how this little snack tastes..It smells, it smells a little bit like beans, it doesn't smell.A little tough.It's a bit like eating dried beans, but completely different from...


Cranberry cookies

Sugar powder is added after the butter is thawed at room temperature.
Stir for 2-3 minutes in an egg beater until th...


Cranberry cookies

Every time I deliver biscuits to people's homes, I think of cranberry biscuits, because they're so easy to make and so delicious, and they're so appealing to young people, and it's time for my elementary school class to start, and they've heard about my little achievements in food, and they want me to bring them something to eat, so I made this eternal classic biscuit, cranberry biscuits!...


Blueberry cookies

My hometown produces wild blueberries, since we were children, we didn't know that it was such a high-quality food. In recent years, I've learned that the fruits I eat are so rich in nutrients, so high. I'm proud of myself.Daily Health News reports that recent studies have added to the super fruit's reputation by suggesting that eating more blueberries or drinking more cauliflower drinks can help prevent colon cancer.So blueberries are a gift from nature!...


A bite.

The sisters joined hands, and the joy was boundless.This is a miniature version of the peach candy I made with my sister last night -- a candy, no additives, no preservatives, and it tastes yummy!...


Seafood biscuits

I think you should all be aware of the benefits of eating a lot of junk food, it's good for your health.When I was at home on summer vacation, my mother used to make all kinds of cereal noodles at home, including whole wheat flour, sorghum flour, bitter flour, wheat germ, and all kinds of cereal flour mixed together.But I never thought about making biscuits with wheat flour, this suggestion was made by my grandmother, although the final taste is somewhat different from low-fat flour, but it is precisely this solid,...


This is a chicken pizza.

The aroma of the chicken in the pizza is light and clear, combined with the aroma of the chicken, the taste is very good. ...
