Tomato sun egg toast

Tomatoes, fried eggs, fried eggs, fried eggs, fried eggs, fried eggs, fried eggs, fried eggs, fried eggs.The toast is crispy on the outside and soft on the inside, with eggs, bananas, and sweet tomatoes.It's a simple morning and you can't get enough. ...


Homemade bread

Flour 600 grams of soybean meal 400 grams of honey 1 tablespoon of salt 10 grams of yeast flour 5 grams, machine mixed f...


Onion bread

The whole egg is poured into the baking machine, salt and sugar are added to the corners, poured into the milk powder, h...


Tea and chestnut bread

Mix the tea powder, the flour, the yeast, and the milk, and you'll be fine.
Electric and noodles in the middle for 1...


Almond and sesame bread

In addition to the butter, the other ingredients are mixed, stirred, kneaded into a dough, and it is recommended to knea...


Banana almond whole wheat bread

Preheated oven 350 degrees Fahrenheit, about 175 degrees Celsius.
Pour the large almonds into the blender and grind ...


Beef steak pack

I love to eat milk steak, but the bakery is a long way from my house.Since I had a baking machine, I bought the materials back and started making my own bread.Because the bread requires fermentation and takes a long time to make, it is usually only made when the whole weekend is spent at home.So, every time I cherish it, eat it slowly, share it with my family, never waste it, haha, no matter what, I'll eat a snack, I like to eat bread....


Mushroom bread - cinnamon grape filling

The portion is just right for the six-line muffin. ...


American corn bread

Preparation: all raw materials are weighed.
Heating butter to liquid.
Scattered eggs.
Thaw the quick-frozen ...


Walnut and yogurt bread

A simple piece of bread.It has an ugly, hard appearance, and even at first it's not pleasant to talk about.Everything seems to be warning you: don't eat me! If soda bread used to be a noble pleasure that only the Irish royal nobility could afford, I think all my emotions would be reduced to three words: impossible! What kind of royal nobility could eat such coarse food? Even with modern improvements, its flavor and shape do not correspond to the aesthetics of the general public.But don't be scared of me, if it's re...


Bread with meat

It's only a few bus stops away from me.But as I made this bread over and over again, I was wondering, how far am I from the bread's new language, the bread's new language?It's my favorite bread in the bread language.However, the taste of its salads and meatballs is very special and cannot be imitated.So, I can only approach infinity from the outside (you say why do I always have to imitate others, look at my breathing)However, someone promised to help me steal the secret of bread in Chinese.What's going on?I'll sha...


Snowflake bread

Forgive me, I didn't mean to start this article seriously.I just finished watching the Central Television Relief Night, and I was in tears... I forgot which classmate texted me that he wanted to learn how to make a snowflake bread that he sold when he was a kid.I don't know if this is what you want right now, but whatever it is, good food is king.This bread is a square from a bakery trade show, and it's easy to handle.It's also a must-have in many bakeries, soft and tasty, and it's been popular for over a decade.An...
