This is a sausage pizza.

All materials except butter are put together in one place.
Using post-oil method, knead the dough until the surface ...


The virgin made the cake.

It's the first time I've seen a Harley cake, and it's the first time I've ever seen a Harley cake, and it's the first time I've seen a Harley cake.When I said that 200 grams of oil was too much, I wanted to replace part of the oil with milk, I used 100 grams, 80 grams of milk, it tasted good, it was very successful.and,...


The cranberry muffin cake

Reference to the recipe...


Butter and waterless cake

The egg yolk is separated from the egg yolk and placed separately in a waterless and oilless bowl, and the butter is mel...


Cake with cassava sauce

As mentioned earlier, Isabella has gained so much weight that her face is obscured by the camera, so today's cupcake is made without butter and chocolate from top to bottom to alleviate the guilt of eating dessert... This little cake is a bit casual, but still delicious....
