I'm not sure what you're talking about.

Margaret's biscuits are a romantic love story, her gingerbread is as delicate and untouchable as a lover's favorite, the gingerbread of cooked egg yolk, the fragrance of butter, colliding with an incomparable texture, the gingerbread is smooth, the cheeks are fragrant!...


Cranberry cookies and chocolate cookies

Spicy biscuits, breakfast and afternoon tea essential...


Margaret, please.

This cookie is called Margaret's cookie, and it has a long scientific name: Miss Margaret, who lives in Stresa, Italy.It is said that a waiter fell in love with a young lady, so he made this dessert, and took the name of this young lady as the name of this French dessert.It still sounds romantic, I don't know if they were together after that.This is a newbie cookie, and the first time I got into baking, I saw someone making this cookie, and it was very successful, and it sold very well.I've done it a few times befo...


Margaret and the Cabbage Patch

This Margaret cashew butter is an extension of the Margaret biscuit that I made, but when I made the Margaret, I saw the cashews on the table, and I thought the dried fruit biscuits were also very good, and I thought it was more suitable for tea or coffee, and I personally thought it looked much better than the original simple Margaret, and the production method was similar to the Margaret, except that the cashews were pressed in at the end, and those who did not like the cashews could be replaced with almonds.(Not...


Black tea cookies

When you're ready to make all the ingredients, you don't have to worry about it. Butter is softened at room temperature,...


Baby's heart is Margaret's little cookie.

100 g of butter, cut into small pieces, softened at room temperature (if frozen too hard, it can be softened by boiling ...


Kitty shaped biscuits

It weighs 140 grams of butter, is cut into cubes about the size of a dollar coin, and is softened at room temperature (d...


Chocolate and coconut meat cookies

A few days ago, I bought some coconuts online, drank coconut juice, and threw away the rest of the coconut meat. It's a pity, look at the food made online with coconut meat, it's all stewed and so on, look at the biscuits are also raw, cocoa, cranberry, tea.I didn't find a cookie made with fruit, and with the idea of trying it out, I made this cookie made with coconut meat, added a small amount of chocolate and refined milk, the flavor of the coconut was more intense, the coconut in the cookie was baked at high tem...


Margaret and the Almonds

Preparation of various raw materials.
Cut the butter and soften it on one side.
If the weather is hot enough, so...


Vegetable oil cookies

Oil, refined sugar and salt mixed evenly.
Add whole egg juice, stir evenly, the texture of the mixture changes great...


Margaret's cookies

All materials are ready.
The eggs are boiled in cold water for eight minutes, then the cold water is drawn out and c...


Red sugar oatmeal biscuits

Weight of oats
Salt + baking soda + low-powder screening
Corn oil is gently stirred until slightly white, added ...
