Cute little raccoon cookies

The first time I saw this cookie model, I was attracted by the cute look of the little raccoon.So I wanted to do it myself.The first attempt was to use a red bull's jar, because the method was not skilled enough, plus the jar was soft, and three times it ended in failure, because it was always broken at the breakpoint, and a few days later, I tried a second attempt, replacing the red bull's jar, because this time the process was skilled, plus the jar was hard, so a molding.On the weekends, the handmade biscuits wil...


Margaret's little cookie

Boil two eggs and take the yolk.
Sifted corn starch.
Low-fat flour is sifted.
It's easier to squeeze the egg...


Cheese and cookies

The unsalted butter is softened at room temperature, added to the sugar powder and stirred evenly;
Add the egg juice...


Cranberry cookies

Use kitchen scales to prepare the ingredients
The softened butter and sugar powder are stirred evenly, and the egg j...


Peanut butter cake

Pumpkin seeds are baked in an oven at 150 degrees for about seven minutes.
1 egg yolk sent to a thick white reserve....


Gingerbread cookies

Wash the raisins first, then soak them in wine.
The salt of the butter and sugar powder are mixed until they are loo...


The practice of Margaret's cookies

Prepare the ingredients, cook two eggs for backup.
Through the sieve, the cooked egg yolk (only egg yolk, no protein...


Puppy bear cookies

The butter is mixed with the sponge sugar and salt and stirred evenly.
Add the eggs to stir evenly.
The sieved l...


Healthy and simple pocket cookies

Materials on display
Add the eggs and milk to the cream and stir evenly.
Mix evenly and add 300 grams of low-fat...


Flaxseed and mint leaves calcium salt soda biscuits

This soda cake, specially made for the elderly, is of course also suitable for all groups of people, without sugar and crispy.I've tasted two of them myself, and they're really good, and they're comparable to Tai Chi Soda, but Tai Chi Soda can't find flaxseed.The mint leaves are freshly picked, the mint seeds are sprinkled on the balcony, the leaves are pruned, the inspiration comes suddenly, it's better to make a fresh mint leaf soda, the mint leaves are washed and used as a backup. ...


Bear cookies that children love

Salt-free butter softened at room temperature and sweetened powder
Sliding with an egg beater
Add the eggs.


Margaret of the Bamboo

My family doesn't eat butter, so I can't make a lot of biscuits, people's recipes are always made with butter, can't you use corn oil to make bread, I want to make butter biscuits and try corn oil instead.The last time I made bamboo charcoal toast, it had a big response, so I wanted to make another black cookie to see which one was better, and I thought about the Margaret I made when I first started baking it, and I made the simplest Margaret, but this Margaret is Miss Africa.I can't wait to taste it, don't look at...
