Margaret's little biscuits are full of love.

The full name of Margaret's cookies is "Miss Margaret of Stresa, Italy", and in English it is "Italian Hard-boiled Egg Yolk Cookies".There's a beautiful love story behind it.It is said that a long time ago, there was a pastry chef who, while making biscuits, silently recited the name of his beloved and put his handprint on the biscuits, which is where this little biscuit came from, and it also has some romantic elements, so let this biscuit remain deep in people's hearts.It's a little bit of a heart full of love fo...


Red sugar oatmeal biscuits

Dukan's weight loss friends, my cookies are for the consolidation period, eat some oatmeal every day, it can help reduce the absorption of fat, it can also fill your stomach, it's good for health and weight loss....


Margaret's cookies

Weigh all materials except egg yolk
Boil two eggs in cold water, boil the water for 8 minutes, peel the protein and ...


Onion cakes

First, warm milk (not more than 30 degrees) and yeast powder are mixed and settled until the yeast powder dissolves.


Margaret - The Sweetness of Cranberries

Scrambled eggs.
(It's easier to press with a spoon)
When the butter is softened so that it can be deformed by ha...


Black tea bread sticks

I love to drink tea, I love to watch the iron, I love to watch the big red robe, I love to watch the birds, I love to watch the rain, I love to watch the rain, I love to watch the rain, I love to watch the rain, I love to watch the rain.But for the Count's black tea with spices, it's actually full of contradictions, but knowing that this black tea is used to make West Point is very delicious, so I made this black tea bread stick according to the original recipe, I didn't expect it to taste good, drink a cup of milk...


Margaret's cookies

The cooked egg yolk is sifted with a sieve.
Press the egg yolk with your hand, the egg yolk will leak through the si...


The bear with the almond biscuit

The low-flour and potato starch are mixed and screened as a backup; (Figure 1) 2 tablespoons of corn oil, 2 tablespoons ...


Cinnamon cookies

The material needed to prepare the butter needs to be softened in advance, cutting small pieces saves time.
The soft...


Margaret's little cookie

Preparation: Butter at room temperature, softened wheat flour and cornstarch mixed with wheat flour, wheat flour, wheat ...


Margaret's cookies

Margaret has a rather long academic name: Miss Margaret, who lives in Stresa, Italy, is said to be a waitress who fell in love with a young lady, so he made this dessert, and took the name of this young lady as the name of this French dessert.Margaret is an absolute beginner's cookie, it doesn't use a lot of tools, it doesn't need special ingredients, it's simple and simple in appearance, but it tastes delicious, it tastes a little bit like a jelly bean, it tastes a little bit more delicious.Fire up and down, middl...


Margaret's cookies

The full name of Margaret's cookies is Miss Margaret of Stresa, Italy (Italian Hard-boiled Egg Yolk Cookies).I don't know how it came about, maybe there's a beautiful story, maybe it's just a name that the West Point master came up with.This cookie is estimated to be the most frequently made cookie by baking enthusiasts.Simple to make, low failure rate. ...
