Sugar-free wheat bread

Don't eat sugar, this bread tastes light, but it's delicious.It's for my grandmother who can't eat sugar.Of course, if you like sugar, you can add 20 grams of sugar, or you can add less if you want. ...


Black sesame seeds

It's a good day, starting with breakfast, black sesame packaged with black gallon filling....


delicate and soft soup sauce

It is said that the highest limit of roasted tofu is roasted tofu with rounded edges. ...


Cabbage bread

In order to use up the remaining ingredients in the house, I made this combination of coconut bread and Korean noodles.It tastes good. ...


Tutorials on the various stages of making bread by hand from wheat flour

The reason for the relatively small portion of the recipe is that the beginner is better at controlling and operating, if necessary, you can double the proportion... 2 make a 450 g box of toast, almost twice the portion 3 make bread, this portion can be made 3-4 4 The scientific name of this mixture is called post-oil salt version (read book science haha), you have to mix the mixture to add butter and salt, because too early will cause an increase in temperature!...


Whole wheat honey bread

The material other than butter is put into the cooking machine, stirred into a lump, then the oil is added to the butter...


Red bean bread

1) So take a picture of the material.
2) Mix all the ingredients except the butter and beans (the milk can be heated...


The bread is made of sandalwood.

It's the rainy season...I usually like to eat sandwiches, and not to mention the fact that the nutritional value of sandwiches is very high, the taste and smell of sandwiches is really pleasant.Sweet, fresh, and delicious.I went to a new place and ordered a box of fresh sandwiches, made jam, frozen fruit juice and fresh fruit.This bread is my homemade sandwich.Homemade jam tastes good, is real, and can be eaten safely.....And then there's the bread, which I usually make by hand, and it's not as tiring and difficult...


Scented bread

Mix the ingredients (except yeast, warm water, butter, salt), stir for a few minutes, let the dough mix wet, and then kn...


Soft and fragrant meals

The ingredients of the main ingredient, other than butter, are placed in a container and stirred with a chopstick;


Sunflower salad and peanut butter bread

After removing all but the butter and the filling and the decorative materials from the coarse film, add the butter and ...


Middle bread

Put all the ingredients in the packing machine (no butter) for 15 minutes, forget to take a picture, and come back empty...
