Japanese cotton rolls

Heating butter to melt
Dissolved butter mixed with flour
Add 65 grams of milk to the mixed flour 5 times to mix ...


The cranberry yogurt muffin

Muffin is one of my husband's favorite cakes, and it's the first time I've made a muffin with yogurt; what's the expected taste?Thanks to the recipe for the baby's meal, the family made two yogurt cakes with the remaining homemade yogurt; but I didn't know what to do, I just saw this recipe and thought the yogurt muffin would be very soft.You have to try it yourself...You can make a few more muffins and put them in the fridge, and the microwave or oven will be as hot as a hot snack two days before you eat them...Us...


Warm red sugar black tea cake

The wind is blowing, the cold wind is mixed with the rain, we haven't seen the sun for days, the day is always gloomy.Unconsciously, it makes you feel sadder and colder.Change it to a cup of hot tea.I made a black tea cake with hot tea to warm my body and my heart. ...


Two-colored flowers

Add salt, sugar, and baking powder to the flour and stir evenly.
Open the dough, add the eggs and water, and knead i...


The Swan Bubble

Put the eggs in the main ingredient, other ingredients besides low flour in a small pot, boil on low heat.
Pour low,...


Wine-stained rose cheese yogurt

The warm sunlight, climbing lazily into the window.A bite of rose tea, a bite of wine-stained rose cheese yogurt, a gentle bite of cheese yogurt, then a soft, soft rose with a slightly natural sweetness, the tip of the tongue with the fragrance of silk rum, and finally a crisp, fresh, layered pie with a coconut base!It smells of pale roses, it tastes of food, it's intoxicating! Life is so warm and happy!Today, we're going to make a wine-infused rose cheese yogurt pie to give our own bodies the necessary care in the...


Tea and cakes

Girls like to eat cake, make it themselves, it's healthy and fun....


A square piece of cake

The first two weeks I got a new golden grill, took it home and tried the effect, used it and found that it was really good, without the use of tin foil, completely without staining the plate, the baked cake cooled down, turned upside down and easily unmoulded, the most important thing is to clean the grill, with this grill, it is very convenient to make cake rolls later. ...


Yoghurt tower

This is the course that the last instructors taught, and it tasted really good, and now I'm sorting it out, and I'm looking at it, and I want to eat it again....


Cocoa and banana cakes

I haven't been home for over a month, this time I'm home.Mom said she hasn't eaten your cake in a long time.I had a rotting banana at home, so I did this to get rid of it.Because bananas are sweet, and eating too much of them can make you fat, I added cocoa powder to the base of the banana cake.It's really good. ...


American apple pie

Butter (no softening required), low flour, sugar powder, peanut powder are mixed and rubbed by hand into coarse corn flo...


6 inches of cake

Legend has it that you have to go crazy seven times to make a successful pancake, but in fact, it's not that hard. ...
