Mocha coffee cake

Today I made an oil-free yogurt cake, and it was a big failure! I made a coffee cake, and it was perfect, and it was made from an egg-shaped sponge cake with a blue cake base, and I modified it a little bit, and I shared it with you....


Birthday cake with roses

Release proteins
Taste and taste
150 degrees and 60 minutes
The stove is cold.
Honey beans in the middle...


The Lemon Tower

The flour is sifted, placed in cream, cut into small pieces, and rubbed with both hands until the flour turns yellow.


See for yourself.

Get your stuff ready.
The protein is separated from the egg yolk, and the protein is placed further away to avoid sp...


Bubblegum cake

I've always wanted to make a buffet, but how could we have eaten a giant buffet for three of us?...


Pseudo-vacuum winds

Since there was no hollow mold, I made one myself, with a jar of finished coconut juice, wrapped in tin paper on the out...


Peaches, chickpeas, cocoa powder decorated with mousse cake

My mother and I have the same birthday.I found the N-square synthesis online, and it worked the first time!...


Basic foam

Preparation of materials
Water, butter, low flour, salt, sugar in a saucepan, heat and stir
Boil until boiling, ...


The almond pie

I didn't really think about sending the recipe, I just had a fever in my head, I wanted to use the dough in the fridge that I didn't use the last time, and when I did, I remembered to take a picture, so there was no process map, hopefully you can understand....



2 proteins, 1 g of tata powder, 10 g of sugar, put in twice, until creamy
90 g of low-fat flour, 15 g of fruit juice...


Danish cookies

Weigh the materials well, take the butter out of the room and soften it so that you can easily poke a small hole with yo...


The Temptation of Purity - Angel Cake

Since my grandmother came to help me bring my son, my fridge has become hers, most of what used to be in the fridge was my baked goods, since my grandmother came, the fridge has been filled with big fish and big meat, that's why my stuff always takes up space, no, today to give her space, I can only use all the frozen egg whites and make a big angel cake!Because I have a lot of protein, I've increased the amount of low-flour and cornstarch, and I've added 10 minutes. ...
