Nut butter cookies

Following your teacher's nuts cookie, I use peanut butter and walnuts so it tastes great, peanut butter is a fermented butter, it tastes strong, it tastes unique, it has a little bit of acidity, it makes the cookie taste better. ...


Tea and cranberry cookies

Following your teacher's recipe for making biscuits, I've been making cranberry biscuits, I haven't tried the tea-flavored cranberry biscuits yet. Today, according to your teacher's recipe for nut butter biscuits, the nuts were replaced with cranberry dried biscuits, and the tea-flavored cranberry biscuits tasted very good, very spicy. ...


Butter and cookies

The butter cookie recipe is very simple, my son likes to eat it, so he makes it often, he uses cream in the dough, and the finished dough is removed!...


Cookies from the Stars

The red globe comes from the stars, the heat hasn't dissipated, the customers and friends around me have entrusted me to make only relevant food, this star cookie has exceeded 1,000 pieces, and I'm going to be friendless, haha. ...


Almonds and pancakes

I'm sure a lot of my friends have doubts about butter bubble powder, and there are a lot of newbies who don't have butter bubble powder at home.Today, I'm going to tell you not to use butter, not to use baking powder, to make more delicious, crispy and very healthy biscuits! This recipe is based on my own practical experience, absolutely delicious, without butter that strange taste, without baking powder is harmful to health.I used chicken oil, I wrote an article earlier about homemade butter substitutes - cooking ...


Vanilla butter and cookies

What a delicious cookie!...


Egg and butter cake

It's raining, it's leaking, I open the window, and a smell of dirt mixed with flowers and herbs comes on my face, and it feels especially good.This weekend I didn't go anywhere, I stayed at home for two days, at the request of the little fat girl, I did all kinds of eating and drinking, very busy but also very relaxed and happy! After five days of busy and exhausting work life, the two days of rest on the weekend are especially important.It's like in life, when you're tired, you stop and take a break, in order to w...


Sesame and soda biscuits

Soda biscuits with a crisp sesame flavor, low fat and non-greasy, nourishing the stomach and easy to digest. ...


Cheese balls

The taste of the cheese balls, the salty scent that passes through the eyes, ears, nose and tongue, causes a sympathetic resonance, making the body and heart feel a little soft.Some people say that a hundred people can make a hundred flavors of cheese balls, it's very challenging, it looks simple, as long as the flour is kneaded, dipped in cheese flour and put in the oven, it's OK.But those who have done it know that because the dough does not contain water and egg yolk, if it is rubbed vigorously during the shapin...


Walnut and oatmeal waffles

Walnuts are beneficial to the human body, strengthen the brain, have a high nutritional value, and have a lung-lubricating effect on the kidneys, reduce blood lipids, prevent coronary heart disease, have a long-term effect on longevity, anti-aging, etc. Walnut oatmeal waffle cake in addition to California walnuts, also adds low-sugar, high-nutrient, high-energy oatmeal slices, is considered the world's closest to perfect milk, in taste also adds chocolate and honey, and it is not difficult to make, can be used as a...


Onion soup and biscuits

I've never been a big fan of desserts, but my favorite cookie is this savory soda cookie, which I made today, and I ate two of them, and they were very spicy. ...


Margaret's cookies

A simple and easy-to-succeed biscuit that is perfect for breakfast.The taste is light and nutritious. ...
